Hey friends! I am coming at ya from the start of whole 30 week 3! I really can’t believe that I am already starting day 14 and have finished 2 weeks, it strangely has gone by really fast.

As I finished yesterday up and started to plan for the week ahead I have been really grateful for this journey and what I have learned about my body. This past weekend I had a girls weekend planned with some friend so I knew that while I ate as best whole 30 ask I could out (it is hard when you aren’t in control of your own kitchen) it wouldn’t be perfect. Honestly, I was alright with that because 1 - I had already planned this weekend months ago and while food wouldn’t make or break my time, I did want to enjoy a couple drinks and maybe a dessert while we were together and 2 - the whole purpose of me doing whole 30 was to reestablish good habits and get back on track in fueling my body well so despite not being able to be strict with it, I was so mindful of what I was eating and that is a HUGE win for me.

Anyways, so while I “cheated” for 24 hours with a couple drinks and a delicious few bites of GF/DF piece of cake other than that, I have been strict whole 30 and I am feeling good. Actually if I can be honest, I woke up Sunday feeling so bad and it was a huge reminder to me how great I feel on whole 30 because today, I feel great again.

So how are we feeling? SO good. No sugar cravings. Not missing any foods and actually enjoying the meals I am putting together for the plan. I have noticed my skin clearing up, my sleep is so improved (thank you sweet Jesus!), my mood is better, I have had less congestion/sinus issues and headaches. My energy levels are up a crazy amount too, no longer am I getting that 3pm crash which is awesome.

I know many of you are curious about whole 30 and weight loss. So far, Joe has lost 15 lbs and I have lost 10. I think that it proved too me even more just how much inflammation and water weight I have been carrying around. It has been nice to see the physical changes and the emotional/mental changes at the same time and it is really motivating.

Overall, this has been the best decision we have made and be both agreed (Joe and I) that it is something we want to continue long term on an 80/20 basis because we both just feel so much better.

In my post last week when I rounded out Whole 30 - Week 1 and gave some tips and tricks I learned 1 week in. I still believe in those so much but wanted to add a couple -

  1. Share with others you are doing it. Your friends/family will be so supportive and help encourage you when you feel down about it. Even this weekend, having my friends support me was so nice as they helped me figure out what I can eat on the menu and how good I feel sticking to it.

  2. Don’t push yourself with exercise. I have been working out M-F on the Peloton since I started Whole 30. I do a 20-30 minute ride and a stretch and call it a day. If you haven’t been working out, your body will take time to adjust to the drastic change in diet so don’t push yourself with a 60 minute workout. That was my plan but there is no way I could have done that well.

  3. Eggs! I have eaten more eggs in the last 2 weeks that I have in the last 2 years I bet. Lol. Eggs are packed full of protein and helped me stay full so I didn’t think about snacking.

  4. Speaking of snacking….prep all your fruits and veggies so they are easy to grab. It will make the choice to eat them easier.

So, that’s a wrap on on whole 30 week 2, can’t wait to see how I feel in a week!


