Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a great weekend! We had a great weekend enjoying the beautiful 70 degree weather, car shopping and Joe and I even got a date night in! It was also fun to end the weekend with my Tampa Bay Bucs advancing to the next round of the playoffs! 🙌🏼 Scoring this weekend as a solid 10/10 LOL.

Okay, before we get started I know your dying to know…or maybe you didn’t see it and I’m such weird about it but yes my bananas are black. My husband was making chicken in the air fryer and didn’t move the fruit bowl and realized at the end he burnt the bananas! 😆 causality of whole 30 LOL

Anyways, I wanted to come onto the blog and share with you guys that we officially have finished week 1 of whole 30 and are beginning week 2! This is the 2nd time we are doing whole 30 and while it is hard, I have felt so much better even just 1 week in and even with all the side effects and symptoms you feel in drastically changing your diet!

Why are we doing whole 30? Well, long story short over the last 6 months we have been eating horrible and not really been very active. It has left us with a lot of weight gain, fatigue and for me other physical issues because of my candida overgrowth. A combination of moving across the country and trying to get settled back into life in Florida, our entire family getting COVID back to back (literally week after week each of us tested positive so we were on lockdown about 4 weeks), grief, new jobs/school, a crazy cheer competition season, etc it was just hard to find routines and we didn’t prioritize our wellness like we should have.

But, all of that is changing! We know we need to prioritize our wellness so that we can take care of everything else in our lives and what does Kendall Toole say on Peloton, you can knock me down but you can’t knock me out! 👏🏼So, here we are getting back to what we know is good and true and that is correctly fueling and caring for our bodies.

I plan to share recipes here and things that we are eating throughout the next couple of weeks over on IG but today I thought I would share about how we are feeling and things we have done to make it a successful first week! And, I say we because my husband and I are doing it together!

How we are feeling -

  • Okay, not going to lie at all….Whole 30 is hard y’all. The sugar cravings the first few days gave us both such a headache and made us so tired. I also felt really bloated all last week. Joe did some but not as much as I did with the bloating. We both felt like we thought about food way too often, something about being on such a strict meal plan has you thinking about food way more than is normal…I am happy to say that is starting to change. (We weren’t just focused on what we couldn’t have but what we could too) A week it everything has gotten much easier, we have found our groove and we are actually looking forward to the week ahead on whole 30.

Weight Loss -

  • Joe - 13 pounds

  • Kate - 7 pounds

  • I feel like these numbers look so big for 1 week of weight loss and they are. We definitely don’t expect that number to continue but I think it just proves how much we were neglecting our health and how much inflammation, bloat and junk we had been carrying around. Even my wedding rings don’t feel as tight.

Tips/Tricks -

  • My biggest advice is not to do this alone. It can feel really isolating to eat this strictly so having someone to do it with you is so helpful. We can encourage each other, relate and understand. Having that person in your house definitely helps even more.

  • If you have kids, have them eat similar…our kids eat the same dinner we have every night. We do have things like cereal, waffles and bagels for breakfast for them and regular lunch stuff but dinner, the same. We also didn’t purchase a lot of snacks (we have granola bars, pretzels, things like that for them but no cookies, etc)…its a good thing that they are also snacking on fruits and veggies instead of junk.

  • Meal prep what you can! We meal prep a large batch of egg frittatas for breakfast for the week. Whole 30 is a lot of cooking so we also prep chicken together on Sunday to add to lunches and prep all the fruit/veggies for meals and snacking.

  • Lara Bars! Not all of them are whole 30 approved so do your research but when I was dying for a “treat” or something sweet I grabbed a Lara Bar and it helped so much.

  • Water!!! Drink a ton of water. Helps with the bloating and obviously keeps you hydrated but also, sometimes you are just thirsty and not hungry. Try drinking water before grabbing something more to eat.

  • Go to bed. Sleep is so important always but especially when drastically changing your diet…honor what your body is feeling….energy will come back even better but especially as you get started, let your body rest. My headaches were so bad I was going to bed at like 9pm with my kids and I needed to.

Have you done whole 30? What would be your biggest piece of advice? Any recipes I must try?


