Anyone else love a good OOTD still? I know this is probably so 2016 but oh well, I am here for it friends! Lol.

Last weekend when we headed to church it was a very windy day so it was a little risky wearing this outfit but I just loved it so much. Finally the weather is cool enough to pull out the long sleeves without sweating to death so I had to jump on the chance to wear one of my favorite dresses. I love Sunday’s because they give me an excuse to get dressed up and I felt so good in this dress headed to church.

All of this stuff is old…the dress is an Old Navy find from a couple years ago that has held up so well and the boots are from the LC Lauren Conrad for Kohls line. Because its all old (pre pandemic purchased LOL) I can’t link anything but I wanted to make this post to remind you of a few things when it comes to getting dressed….

  1. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to feel and look put together. I think this whole outfit (excluding the Tory Burch purse) was likely under $50 because I remember buying them both on sale. Don’t be afraid of the sale rack friends.

  2. Mixing high and low is fun! My TB bag was obviously pricy (although, still purchase at the outlet so for a fraction of her normal cost) but my outfit was not. I think the bag helped to elevate the look. I love doing this with stuff from Target, Walmart, etc.

  3. When you love something, keep it! Look, I love to purge. I love to get rid of stuff and I have in the past gotten rid of clothes that I loved because they weren’t necessarily in style anymore. But, as butterfly clips and bell bottoms are proving, styles come back around in cycles so keep what you love and wear it with confidence. And, if that style never comes back….who freaking cares anyways as long as you feel good in it!!

Sometimes, I think we overthink fashion and getting dressed up too much. Getting dressed up doesn’t have to feel like a burden when you wear things you love. So, cheers to more feeling good in the clothes we love….even if (and especially when) those clothes are years old!

PS - My dress has pockets….thought you should know 😜


