Okay, I recognize this picture isn’t great but ya’ll can we start to normalize garage workouts, mismatched workout clothes that are covered in paint and just celebrate showing up?

I know I kicked off with a little rant but gosh, sometimes I feel like we overcomplicate things and it really makes something more overwhelming they can has to be. Like, working out. I feel like with social media and constant access to each other’s lives that we can get trapped into little bubbles that make us feel like what we have or what we are doing is not good enough. Do you feel that way too?

One way that I can feel that big time is with exercise.

My outfit is matching and isn’t cute so why post that I did it.

I workout in my garage because our rental is too small to put my bike inside.

I am not as fast and my endurance isn’t what others is.

I only have 30 minutes a day to workout and surely that isn’t enough time to make a difference.

These are are lies and all crap that I have told myself again and again. That comparison trap is a real B ya’ll. But, the other day when I strapped on my bike shoes, I laughed at my outfit and looked around really thankful to even have the garage space to be able to hop on that bike with my slow self for 30 minutes.

And, that felt really good.

I looked around just really grateful that I could even move my body because a year ago, I literally couldn’t…I could barely get out of bed. The morning I snapped that picture I was smiling and then I pushed as hard as I could in my workout and thanked my body for doing what it could. But, I haven’t always treated her that way if I am honest I let those lies I told myself beat her up and give up on her.

While I am well aware that this sounds ridiculous, I do think the Peloton has helped me so much with that mindset. They literally have something for everyone at every skill level and time frame and meet you exactly where you are. They cheer you on and remind you that you can do this and that while it is tough, so are you. It’s a workout and motivational speaking all in one and I freaking love it so much. I know so many people are on the fence and to be honest I was too for a really long time especially because of the cost but if I had one piece of advice…do it, go for it, get it…you won’t regret it! Also, okay I guess I had 2 pieces…check with your insurance because mine paid for 3 months of my monthly subsciption of classes which is a $150 value so that’s cool too!

I will be over here riding my Peloton and talking everyone I know into one too! LOL. My fav instructors are Kendall, Emma, Ally and Cody but I would love to add more to my rotation so if you have a Peloton send some recs my way!

One more thing before I go….even if you don’t have the bike or treadmill, you can download the app and take their stretch and strength classes which are so so good. It is an app right onto your phone or tablet so it makes it so easy!

Do you have a Peloton? Do you love it as much as I do?


