Splurge Worthy: Golden Goose Sneakers

You know those people that have spent their life and time collecting things? Well, I have never been one of those people. I didn’t collect really anything as a child and even as an adult, there was nothing that I wanted so many of that I would start to collection them. I have always loved the idea but, I just never had anything for me that felt worth collection.

Well, that is until I got my first Golden Goose sneaker and now, I am a collector.

A collector of Golden Goose sneakers. 😉

I started to love Golden Goose sneakers when I lived in New Jersey and would go into NYC. I love fashion and I especially love elevated casual pieces and bonus, I really love when not everyone has one. A quirk about me…as soon as something become popular, I usually don’t love it anymore (I am looking at you Stanley Cup). Anyways, I first saw the sneakers in NYC and fell in love with them. As most people, when I saw the price tag I nearly fell over and truthfully, I thought they were something I would just drool over and never really own.

Fast forward a couple years to 2019 and Joe surprised me for Mother’s Day with my first pair! I couldn’t believe it, I am a huge gift lover and this gift, just really spoke to my heart so much. Which, I know sounds so ridiculous but, my husband historically isn’t the best gift giver (we’ve been together 15 years, I can say that now) so to open these after knowing I had wanted them for so long was just really such a special moment.

My first pair, the Golden Goose Superstars have been my most loved and worn pieces in my closet and over the years, Joe has treated me to a Mexican lunch and a shopping trip to Golden Goose every Mother’s Day since. It has been fun to have that tradition, I look forward to them all year long and the kids have loved helping me build my collection and pick out a new pair each year.

So, the question begs — are they worth the splurge?

Y’all it isn’t lost on me the hefty price tag and I will be honest and say that at first I didn’t know if I could justify the price but, for me…once I got over the shock I can with everything in me say that YES, Golden Goose sneakers are totally worth it!

My top reasons Golden Goose sneakers are worth it…

  1. The quality! I got my first pair 5 years ago and they still look and feel brand new. Actually, they feel better. The handmade leather gets better with time and the quality is truly unmtached. I have purchased and thrown away many sneakers in the time I have had these and they are still in perfect condition.

  2. Not everyone has them! Like I mentioned above, I love things that are different and I love that not everyone has them. And when they do, I love that even if someone has them, they aren’t the exact same that I have since they only make a limited quantity of each style and color way. One fun way to add extra flair? Change out the laces!

  3. They are versatile! I have worm them with jeans, pants, dresses, skirts — they pretty much go with every single thing that you could think of (I have included pictures below of ways that I have styled my pairs) and really elevate an outfit. One thing you will notice below is that I paired them with items of all different price points mixing high and low fashion.

Now, I will say that when you first get them, they are going to be very uncomfortable so be warned. The leather needs time to wear (like mentioned, I think they get better with time) and the shoe needs time to wear in but honestly, can’t that be said of many shoes especially luxury brands?

One tip that I have found helpful is to work the shoes with your hands pulling them together by folding and out again. This will help work the leather in and make them more comfortable faster. I got this tip from a sales associate at Golden Goose and it works like a charm.

My favorite styles based on what I have so far?

  1. Superstar

  2. Ballstar

  3. Midstar

  4. Highstar

This is based on comfort, wearability and how much I find myself grabbing for them. I have 2 pairs of Superstars, they are hands down my fav, I love a low top sneaker!

Okay there you have it, for me Golden Goose sneakers are worth the splurge and I can’t wait to keep adding to my collection!

Golden Goose HiStars (I changed out the laces on these)

Golden Goose Ballstars (I changed the laces on these as well)


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