Hey friends, happy Friday!! I hope everyone is having a great week and looking forward to the weekend ahead. Here in Southwest Florida we are looking forward to 70 degree days and chilly nights and I am here for it. I love the heat but I always crave a little break this time of year and look forward to having the windows open and wearing long sleeves. The best part is the sun is still out so even though it gets chillier, it still feels really amazing to be outside.

Anyways, now that I have randomly rambled about the weather we should get this blog post started, right? Lol. (Sorry y’all, I have a tendency to go on little tangents something about the most random shizzzz, love me through it 😆)

Today I am sitting here with my coffee in hand just feeling so grateful for where I am in my business. I have so many dreams and ideas and things that I want to do with my boutique but today, I woke up feeling really grateful for my little storage area and fold out table that I will be packaging orders on.

Earlier this week I went to Home Depot and purchased shelving and bins and then throughout the week I have been setting it all up and it has just made me so happy. I will be honest and tell you that sometimes, I can get caught up in the fancy shelving and perfectly matched warehouses that I look at other boutiques having. I can get caught up in the dream of having a brick and mortar store, the team to help me and pour into, etc. But, right now as I start out it is not where I am and you know what…..I love it. I love exactly where I am and I am so pumped about what I do have. For a girl that really struggles with contentment, that is huge. And it feels so freaking good.

Every time I go into the space I have dedicated for my boutique it just makes me feel so happy. It makes me feel so proud that I am actually doing it and as I labeled my bins with post it notes yesterday I smiled so hard knowing that one day I will look back on this moment and remember the small humble beginnings that Shop Rooted + Free had and that makes me really really proud.

I don’t know where you are on your business or, if you even have one but today I wanted to remind you that we all start somewhere. We don’t need the big fancy buildings or the perfectly curated office (my desk is about to be set up in a hallway LOL) to start building our dreams. We get to start right where we are with what we have and that is really beautiful. I keep thinking about how Amazon got their start in a garage and look at them now….it just reminds me that with some hard work, humble starts and a grateful heart, the sky is the limit!

And, if that doesn’t make you smile….I don’t know what will! 😍


