Sourdough Supplies

Happy Thursday friends!

We are all back to “normal” following the hurricane that breezed on through Manatee County and I have to be honest, knowing that the storm surge caused so much damage to our coastal towns (about 25 mins away from us) and destroyed parts of Florida just a few hours from us it feels a little hard to find a rhythm today. Going back to normal life when so many cannot is a little hard to wrap your mind around when what they are going through could easily be us. But, I am trying my best to keep it moving and be thankful for our situation and prayerful for theirs.

If you were impacted by Hurricane Idalia and I can pray for or help you in any way, please reach out.

Today on the blog I had planned to share with you my favorite sourdough supplies. I started my starter from scratch this summer and I have loved sharing my journey to creating and baking with you on IG. I have had many people reach out to me for questions, supply recommendations and to share that it inspired them to start baking too so I thought I would put together an easy blog post for everyone to refer to.

I have absolutely loved the process of learning sourdough and while I am still very much a newbie, I have done hours and hours of research on what to use, what to do and how to pivot when things don’t go right (because believe me, you will have hiccups along the way).

Here is everything I have personally ordered and used in my sourdough journey…

To get started //

Kitchen Towels - These are not only to clean up the mess that comes with sourdough (it’s sticky ya’ll) but also to wrap around your jars to help regular temperature. The AC makes our houses colder than it should be for the fermentation process so I would wrap one towel around my jar and put a hair around it to keep it secure.

Tulip Jar - This is the jar I used to keep my starter in as I feed and grow it.

Flour Storage - You are going to go through a lot of flour! I loved this set because the sizes make it easy to buy more flour and easy to store together. Plus, it comes with a cup scooper making it even easier to feed your starter without a ton of extra supplies.

Whole Wheat Flour - I used a combo of white and wheat flour for my sourdough so this is the wheat flour, great quality.

White Flour - You need good quality, unbleached flour and this one does exactly what you need it to.

Spatula Set - I love that this has different sizes because depending on how much you are feeding your starter you may need a heavy duty spatula or a smaller one.

Glass Storage Jar - I keep this jar in my fridge for my sourdough discard. Love the size and the lid.

Kitchen Scale - You will measure your feedings by weight so you need a scale. This one was a great price and works perfectly.

Once you are ready to bake //

Proofing Basket - Once your bread is ready to bake and you have shaped it you are going to let it proof, these baskets are the perfect size.

Proofing Basket Liner/Cover - While the baskets come with a liner you will want extra depending on how much you bake plus they are great for use as a cover as the proofing is happening.

Cast Iron Dutch Oven - If you need a new dutch oven like I did, this one is fantastic. Much cheaper than the name brand ones and works amazingly well. I have cooked so much more than bread in this one and will likely be ordering a second one I use it so much.

Scoring Knife - All the pretty designs you see? Thats from this knife! You want to score to guide the bread as you bake it (its what keeps its shape as it rises when it bakes) but also makes it super pretty as well.

Rice Flour - For dusting your bread once you are baking.

That’s it! I know it may seem like a lot but truthfully you may already have some of what you need and each of the items are so affordable you can start your journey easily even if you needed it all like I did! If you start your sourdough journey or use any of these supplies, tag me in your photos, I would love to see them! Happy baking friends!


Friday Favorites 9.1.23


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