Hurricane Idalia

Happy Monday friends!

As I type this I have about 14 different apps and emails and notifications alerting me that we have a hurricane warning and storm surge warning here in Florida where I live and that can only mean one thing…it’s fall in Florida! 😂

Hurricane season officially starts in June but usually September/October are the most active and here we are…days away from September with our first major hurricane. Now, I grew up in Florida and have been through many hurricanes so you won’t catch me buying 20 cases of water and freaking out like some people out there (I heard Publix and Costco are a wreck) but we will be prepared and so with that I thought I would just hop on the blog and let you know that I may or may not be on here much this week depending on how things shake out. Schools are already closing to become shelters and coastal communities are under mandatory evacuations are underway. We live about 25 miles from the coast so while we aren’t in the direct storm surge we are close enough to make sure that we are making the preparations needed to keep our home and family safe.

Anyways, all that to say I am going to do my best to keep things normal around here because there is no reason to freak out especially since as of right this moment we aren’t getting a direct hit. However, things can change at any moment so we are going to spend time today and tomorrow getting our ducks in a row just in case!

If you think about it, say a prayer for Florida. No matter where it hits a hurricane is devastating even in a place that is prepared as they can be. There are tons of mobile home parks, people stuck on vacation, elderly…it just turns into a hard situation all over no matter where it hits!

If you are in the path, stay safe friends!


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Friday Favs 8.25.23