It’s for ME. It’s for THEM. It’s for YOU.

Why am I opening an online women’s boutique

I didn’t have the best childhood. Sure, there are some good memories and good things that happened but also, there was a lot more of the bad stuff…abuse, instability and constant fear just to name a few. As a little girl I learned to retreat, become invisible and do the things that felt safe as a form of protection.

I’ve worked really hard to overcome that trauma (and still intentionally do everyday) but what I’ve realized is that I’ve also never really lived my life in my truest form because of it. I’ve never actually been fully me because of fear. I’ve continued to retreat, I’ve played it safe and stayed invisible because that felt stable and secure.

As I’ve continued to heal I started to dream again. And actually believe that my dreams can come true. And know that I’m worth following my dreams and that I can show up in this world as me. And. And. And.

When I look at my 2 sweet girls I see 2 beautiful, impressionable girls who I want to see chase their dreams and know their worth as they become women. I want them to know and believe in themselves and show up just as they are, because they are incredible and can do whatever their heart desires and their minds create.

I want that for you too. We don’t have to be chained to our past. We can break the cycles and build a new path forward no matter what the one behind us looks like.

My why is ME. It’s THEM. It’s YOU. Because empowered women, empower women and cheer each other on as we chase our dreams! 💗 My prayer is that this space, this boutique, this community encourages you to be you and go after your wildest dreams.


