Next month marks 2 years since I started using essential oils and man, has that gone by fast!

I was looking at my monthly orders this morning and thinking about where I was 2 years ago when I ordered that starter kit and how far I have come in taking control of my health. Two years ago, I was sick all the time…chronic sinus infections, constant GI issues because I was on antibiotics all the freaking time and countless other weird symptoms that constantly went unexplained and dismissed.

I have told this story before but basically, I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired so I decided to ditch some chemicals in my home, try essential oils and I made an appointment with a functional medicine doctor.

All 3 changed my life.

I finally had answers, I removed things that were causing my health to be worse (looking at you candles giving me constant sinus infections…ya’ll I haven’t had 1 sinus infection since I ditched candles and I literally had one every month for years).

Anyways, I have obviously fallen in love with using oils and am continuing to ditch and switch products in our home (it is a process and doing it slowly, product by product has worked well for my family) and today, I thought it would be fun to see what oils I have used the most in the last 2 years.

Paisley organized them for me (I keep all my empty bottles and put them in a basket) and here is where we landed.

In 2 years, we have used 73 bottles of oils ranging from size 5ml to 15ml.

We use oils to diffuse everyday, in all rooms. We use them topically. We use them to clean and do laundry and random other uses including for our emotional and mental health.

Here are the oils we have used the most.

Digize - As I continue to heal from candida overgrowth, I still have some GI issues (it has come a long way) but I use and love Digize and peppermint when I am feeling icky. Helps so much even though it smells horrible.

Jade Lemon - I love to diffuse this. I diffuse this more than anything. It smells like LemonHead candy. It is by far my favorite oil to use around the house and works great as a perfume too.

Lavender - Jack of all trades. So many uses and recently we used it to help Paisley with her strep throat. We use this a lot on sunburns and cuts/bumps/bruises

Peppermint - We use this a lot for GI issues including nausea. Also great to headaches which unfortunately, we get often because of our allergies. (Speaking of which, lemon, lavender and peppermint is a great combo for allergies)

Stress Away - The name says it all. I diffuse this a lot during homework time because both of the girls get really stressed our doing homework. It smalls really good too and is great for emotional health so if anyone is feeling extra overwhelmed we use this topically too.

Thieves - Wellness and everything. I diffuse this with lemon at least once a day to promote wellness. We use Thieves to clean everything and anything. Use on our spines to help our immune system. This is truly the 1 oil every single living human needs in my opinion.

Lemon - Clearly, I love lemon, LOL. Smells great to diffuse and uplifts. Natural stain remover, I use this in our laundry detergent and to get out stains. Also a natural goo gone so those sticky price tags, drop a couple drops on it and it will come off clean.

These are just a few uses for each of these oils but there are so many more!

We love using Young Living and will always do so, it is such an easy button for everything we need and doesn’t require tons of research because I trust the brand.

Do you use oils? What are your most used ones if so?


