Happy Friday friends!

Whew, it has been a week. Paisley started to not feel well on Monday so we rested and I was hoping it was just a 24 hour thing. Well, the was just a hope for sure because my sweet girl has strep and COVID and has been in isolation all week. She actually tested negative for strep in the office but they sent it out and yesterday we got word that it was positive so we were able to start antibiotics last night.

Thankfully, no one else has gotten sick (Savannah had a moment but we tested her just to be sure and she is back to normal after a good nap) and today we are going to retest Paisley and see how she is. I am exhausted from not sleeping much checking on her and the kids are all bored to tears. Such a bummer to have a week sick (especially when I got sick last month) during the summer but I am actually thankful we can get it over with before school starts in a couple weeks.

Anyways, because we haven’t been doing much this week (I actually got a ton of work done so that was a positive of being stuck home) Friday favorites are going to be short because well, this week hasn’t been a favorite πŸ˜‚ and we haven’t done much. But, I have a few things to share so let’s hop to it….

First up, I recently got this book in as a resource to help all my Mama friends with oils and boy did it come in handy for myself this week. While we did end up giving Paisley a rotation of Motrin/Tylenol when her fever got high enough, it was nice to have a natural resource to support her too. We used all 4 of the oils on repeat all week long plus a few more.

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch working and looked up and I was just so thankful for a cozy little spot in my house. It is no secret that I don’t love the rental we are in…its fine and I try to be grateful we found it in this crazy market but it doesn’t feel like home, its way too small for what we need and the neighborhood isn’t my favorite. Is that enough complaining? Ugh, sorry!

Anyways, I looked up and was just thankful for this space and that doesn’t happen often so I savored the moment and found myself praying that I would have more moments like this over the next year we are here.

Yesterday my boutique launched a new collection! It is one of my favorites that I have launched and it just makes me so happy when I see it up on the website. The 4 bandanas that I brought in are probably my most favorite!

I am also obsessed with the new floral top shown below. It is the softest shirt I have added to my closet in a really long time and I am a sucker for any top that fairs perfectly with white denim.

Last up, I saw this quote on IG this morning and it just hit me really hard.

As a brand new business and boutique (we celebrate 6 months on 7/31) it is easy to fall into the comparison trap. And, it is easy to see inspiration and start to feel bad about myself. I have so many dreams and ideas and when I see others implementing them and I can’t yet, I can fall into a bad headspace. I hate that that is true but it is.

But, I know that God will honor my business where I am and the approach that I am taking and one day, all of those dreams and ideas will come to fruition in His perfect timing. This quote was such a great reminder for me to stay in my own lane and focus on what I have been called to do because the more I do that, the more aligned I become in my own business.

Alright friends, that is all I have for today! I hope that everyone has a great weekend, see you back next week!


