When I think about where my health was in the Summer/Fall of 2020 it fills me with such sadness and feels so heavy. I can remember feeling like I couldn’t get out of bed or even lift my head off the pillow most days.

I can remember the weight of my grief, the crippling anxiety I felt day in and day out, the constant fatigue, chronic sinus infections, the numerous GI issues (constipation/bloating/nausea/vomiting), my skin breaking out worse than it did when I was a teen, the brain fog, the chest pain.

Gosh, it was just so much.

Even reading that back is still really hard because it still feels really fresh.

It took years of multiple doctors, and many life style changes to get where I am today and to be honest, I am still actively working on my health everyday. Being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and IBS while still undergoing a lot of testing for autoimmune disorders I can sometimes feel like I am on a merry go round that I really just want to hop off of.

While I am treating my diagnosis with medication, I also knew that cutting out many harsh chemicals and lowering our toxic load as a family wouldn’t only be good for me but good for the entire family.

Enter, Young Living and essential oils - a one stop shop for wellness and low tox living!

Why Young Living?

I feel like this is one of the most popular questions or thoughts when people think of essential oils. I mean, I get it. There are dozens of other wellness companies who sell essential oils and similar products and some of them are much cheaper than the price point that Young Living offers. So, yep…I get the questioning and even had the same questions myself for years before I got started with low-tox living and using Young Living products.

For me, the answer comes down to two main things:

  1. Seed to Seal

  2. One stop shopping

What is seed to seal? Seed to seal is Young Livings promise to you, the customer. It means that they manage every aspect of the process from the moment the plant is a seed until the bottle or product you purchase is sealed. It means that they take the highest care and require the highest quality from their farms to their service to you and that means a lot to me. Young Living’s customer service is top-notch and no minor issue that I’ve ever had hasn’t been resolved. I haven’t personally gone to their farms (but, I can’t wait to one day) but know leaders who have and it is amazing to me that Young Living not only owns their farms, but takes great care and pride in being in the everyday details of running the farms. I can trust that my products are what they say they are without additives that take away from the properties of the oils and products that I am using.

You can learn more about seed to seal HERE….Young Living definitely explains it in more depth than I ever could and why it is so important! But, I always appreciate laymen’s terms so there’s mine for ya! Haha.

One stop shopping. Friends, I am busy and I know you are too. Gone are the days where I can spend all day running from store to store to grab everything that I need to find the better product. I literally used to go to multiple stores and order from multiple places to try to get better products (that weren’t even that good now that I know better) but with Young Living I can order straight from the comfort of my home, have them deliver right to my house and order so much that I need for our everyday lives. Plus, I can take comfort in knowing that it is all safe for my family. It literally does not get easier or better than that.

I know that starting low-tox living can be overwhelming and scary. I pretty much felt that same way and it wasn’t until my health hit rock bottom that I finally decided to just go for it. My prayer for you is that you don’t wait as long as I did…you deserve more than waiting like I did and I am here to help! If you are ready to start your low-tox journey, today is a great day to start and I can’t wait to help!


Ready to get started?

Here’s how + what to expect next…

Step 1: To enroll on my team ORDER HERE to use my personal Young Living page or, if you already have your YL cart built o their main website, be sure to enter #25246137 as both your “enroller” and “sponsor” to be placed on my team!

Step 2: Be on the look out for a welcome email from me within 48 hours of your sign up! This will give you all the information you need to know about our team and how to get plugged in! I will also send you a welcome gift just as my way of welcoming you to your nontoxic journey and a little thank you for choosing me to walk with you on it!

Step 3: The hardest part…waiting for your oils to arrive! They will be worth the wait 😉

Step 4: Once your oils arrive, bust into them and get started! Don’t be afraid to use those oils and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out (all my contact info is in the welcome email!) Diffuse, make rollers…the sky is the limit!

Step 5: Obviously, this one is a super personal decision and not for everyone but, if you love your oils and are ready to make a side income, I would love to chat with you about becoming a brand partner! Our team is an incredible resource for anyone who is ready to build a business with YL!