Happy Tuesday friends!

I almost wrote Monday because my week is starting today and I am feeling a little our of sorts as I get back on track today! That is #summermode at it’s finest!

This past weekend we took an extended weekend and did a little stay-ish-cation with some friends. After my pop up on Thursday night we unloaded everything and early Friday morning we hit the road for Orlando until Sunday.

We didn’t take a big trip this summer and instead, opted to just enjoy being back in Florida and having an easy going summer since last summer we spent most of it moving. (NJ and FL school calendars don’t line up at all so we had a short summer break last year and the move took up most of it)

Anyways, we also wanted to spend time enjoying the pool and beach and friends and local attractions (I mean, we live where so many people vacation so it is easy to do). Plus, with Joe having a busy season at work and me starting a business, we decided it was best to just stay local and save trips for next year.

We were itching to get away (we both love to travel) and when our friends invited us to a long weekend in Orlando we jumped on the invite!

If you are looking for a great resort in Orlando, we stayed at the Signia by Hilton Bonnet Creek. We enjoyed the slide and lazy river and poolside service plus movies by the pool and just a ton of fun. We did go to Disney Springs one night and had fun shopping, eating and exploring the area. It was the perfect mix of relaxation and adventure.

On Sunday we slept in, took the girls to brunch (Cam was on a trip with his friends) and we explored a little downtown area then hit the road home to pick up Oakley and relax. Work has been busy for both Joe and I and juggling the girls being home with me, the extra dose of rest was so good.

We ended up letting the girls watch movies and play on their iPads and Joe and I binge watched Virgin River and it was just what we needed. We both also completely unplugged from our phones, only checking on Cam throughout the weekend and gosh, y’all my mind and heart needed that break so much. I got very few photos because of it but it was worth it…the disconnecting from it all was more needed than I even thought.

Joe and I both also took Monday off so we decided to hit the beach for the day before we had cheer and church obligations in the evening. We went to Anna Maria Island which is probably our favorite beach close by and spent the day swimming, reading and having fun together. A huge storm rolled in right after we took this picture and we quickly packed up and headed home! Funny how it can be blue skies and all of a sudden not. You can actually see the storm rolling in, in the upper left hand corner of the pic.

Even though my traveling bug is still itching to go somewhere, I am happy we made the decision to stay local this summer and just enjoy where we live. It has been a really hard few years and to have the space to just decompress and find things to do local was exactly what we needed in such a busy/paced lifestyle.

Cheer starts next week and school starts the following week so we are gearing up and getting ready!

Summer is my favorite but boy do I love a good routine so we are also ready for all the regular life stuff to start again!


