I don’t know about you but when I am home and don’t have leftovers, I struggle with figuring out what to eat for lunch. I love a good charcuterie plate for lunch but I was finding that when I ate those too often for lunch, I wasn’t consistenty eating enough throughout the day. I also don’t love to spend a lot of time making lunch because I need to be working (I really try to get all my work done during school hours so when I pick the girls up I can focus on them) so I have been on the search for easy, simple meals I can eat for lunch.

Recently, I started making a simple gluten free avocado toast and it has been the best. Usually I will grab some chips to go with it (because I love some good spicy chips). It has been great because it is quick and easy to make but also filling. We eat dinner so late with cheer getting out at 8:00pm that I need a filling lunch.

Anyways, enough ramblings and onto what I do. Ya’ll it is so simple….

Here is what you need:

  • 2 pieces of toast (I use GF bread)

  • Avocado (I use 1/2 avo each day and split it between the 2 pieces of bread)

  • Dash of pepper and red pepper flakes

  • 2 eggs, over easy

  • Tomato

How to make:

  • Toast your bread

  • Cook your eggs as you desire

  • Layer - Bread, Avocado, Pepper/Red Pepper flakes, Tomato, Eggs

I kind of feel silly for writing it out because ya’ll it is that simple but I know that I sometimes forget the simple things and when I read it I have an ah-ha moment! So, if that is you too…you’re welcome! 😀

Alright, now I love this meal but I know myself and I know I will get tired of it so…what are your go to lunches during the week? I need some new ideas!


