Happy Monday friends!

I am still trying to get back on track with my routines and rhythms and was excited for a Monday and fresh new start.

Not going to lie, back to school last week kicked my butt. It was probably a harder adjustment for me than for the kids if I am being honest. Between readjusting to having to get everyone up early and out the door to a brand new school with car lines lasting hours (and I mean hours…last week I spent 4+ hours a day in car line 😬) and trying to catch up with things at the house I was neglecting I was feeling crazy tired by the time the weekend came.

After I worked on Saturday for a pop up we spent some time at the pool and then we spent the rest of the weekend getting organized, caught up on chores, grocery shopping and resting. Boy did we need the rest. A 2 hour nap on Sunday was exactly what I needed!

Anyways, all that to say, I am ready for some routines to get me back in the swing of things this week and getting my work life a little more back in order. One of the things we are doing this week to get us back on track is reestablishing our back to school oil routine that we got a little lax with this summer.

Here are the top 10 oils/Young Living products we use when we are in school!

  1. Diffuser - This is my girls favorite diffuser. It is super kid friendly, has great output and we use it every single day to diffuse oils for the girls while they get ready for school, do homework, wind down, etc.

  2. KidPower Oil - My girls each made a roller with this and take it to school to help with any big emotions they have. We also apply to their wrists before school to give them a little boost of courage as they head out the door.

  3. MightyPro - Probiotics for kids (well, everyone) is so important. As the girls head to school and get exposed to anything and everything their immune systems needs an extra boost and that starts in the gut. We do one every morning and while my girls don’t love the taste, they are easy to take and we wash down with a quick drink!

  4. Sleepyize - After school and cheer you would think my kids would be exhausted but usually they find some kind of burst of energy and diffusing this at night helps calm their mind and bodies for a good nights sleep.

  5. Sniffle Ease - Love having this on hand because in evidently because kids will catch something in school and this helps treat them without a bunch of medication. My girls also have lots of seasonal allergies and get congested easily so this helps them so much.

  6. Unwind - Basically, this is kids melatonin and sometimes the girls need it to help calm them down at night. Especially if anxiety has them up this helps calms them down.

  7. Stress Away - KidPower for Mama. When my kids are feeling stressed out about an upcoming test or something happening I feel it too. I also love diffusing this during homework time, it smells amazing and help us all keep our cool while we wade through homework.

  8. Thieves - Another powerhouse oil that helps keep us healthy. I diffuse this every morning before school and I create a roller with Thieves and lemon oil and roll it down our spines every morning to boost our immune system.

  9. Lemon oil - Love to use this like I mentioned above but I love to diffuse it alone too since it is super uplifting. Lemon is also a natural goo-gone so you know all those weird stickers and icky things that get on everything randomly, this little oil will get it off.

  10. Ningxia - So, I used to make my girls take a multivitamin daily and while we still sometimes do, this 2oz pouch a day gives them everything that they need. We usually mix with a seltzer and have it after school together, so good!

These are just a snapshot of the way we use these oils in our house each day! But, they would also be great for teachers and in classrooms too!

Want to grab one or all of these? I put together a cart to make it easy for you! You can check that out HERE!


