Oh Monday, you are kicking my butt today!

Well, maybe it isn’t Monday in particular but guys, I am exhausted and today feels like a day that I am just blah.

Literally wish I could just lay in bed watching Grey’s Anatomy all day and think of nothing and do even less! 😂

I have been working so much (which is such a great thing but also, my boundaries have been way out of whack and I am feeling it), doing lots of volunteer work at school and cheer, the hurricane/aftermath of the hurricane was just 3 weeks ago and guys, I think I just met my max. I have been burning all the candles at all the ends and I am tired.

So, so tired. And, my dirty mirror is proof of it. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways, last week something had to give and it was the blog so today, I thought I would give you a little life lately update from the comfort of my bed in my cozies!

First up, my girlies and their cheer squad are #1 champions!

We could not be more proud of them for placing 1st in their Cheer Jam competition last weekend. They have worked so hard and have overcome some pretty crappy things that have happened this season and this 1st place win felt even sweeter because of it.

The got out there and rocked that mat and now, we are National’s bound next month and couldn’t be more excited to head to Orlando to see them compete again.

I know our time of having them on the same squad is slowly coming to an end so for now, I am soaking in having them together and cheering them on at the same time. I love seeing how far they have come and how much they work together with their teammates!

After competition we went to dinner with friends because we were all #hangry and the girls found this sign on the little beach area outside of the restaurant. They laughed so hard and begged for a photo.

Who was I to deny them of this silliness? Lol.

Last week in between 4 pop ups Shop Rooted and Free launched new arrivals after a month of not having any.

Between getting sick the end of September, going right into a Category 4 hurricane and the aftermath it was weeks before I got the new arrivals as planned. Everything finally arrived and I rushed outside to photograph everything to get them up.

Ya’ll, it was worth the wait. I could not love these new arrivals more!!! And judging by how fast some of these items have gone online and at our pop ups you love them too!

Speaking of pop ups…

I way over booked my October pop ups and while I am so tired it has been SO MUCH FUN!!! I love having the opportunity to be local and in person for shopping and I love getting to meet women in my community. It is a literal dream and every time I get to do one, it just makes me more and more excited to open a brick and mortar one day.

So that’s been it….really guys my life right now is work, cheer and school…repeat!!

I hope everyone has a great week! 😀


