Happy Friday-Eve friends!

Today is going to be short and sweet as I prep for this weekends pop ups (and rest a little after last nights late pop up) but I wanted to share with you the cutest thing that my small group does each year.

Our small group at church, we call #MomTribe are about 15 women who do so much together…from our bi-weekly Bible study to playdates, girls trips and more we really do life with each other and love every minute of it. One of our annual traditions is our Boo Basket exchange each October.

What do we do?

So simple. In September we pick randomly a name from a hat and that is who you “boo” from the group. We give a $30 budget for the basket and everyone is given a secret date to drop off the basket. We all submit some favorite things like drinks, snacks, etc and we fill baskets and secretly drop them off to each other. We do a mix of some things for the kids and some things for the Mama and all with so much thought and love.

We share the pictures in a group text, guess who boo’ed us and once everyone has theirs we share who we had. This picture above was my boo basket this year and I just love it so much.

A fun little inexpensive tradition that brings so much joy to all of us. And, there are still 2 weeks left of the month so you can totally do this with your group of friends still this year or, stick it in your back pocket for next year!


