Okay, I have shared with you guys that I miss old school blogging. I think many of us do, just like we miss old school Instagram too. I know maybe I am just showing my age here but I do miss it and when I read my daily blogs the ones that I love the most are the ones that kick it back and do it the ways it used to be. You know, when you just shared random everyday life stuff that made you feel relatable and not alone. The stuff that was helpful and kind of gave an ah-ha moment instead of perfectly curated photos and links to a million things to purchase.

So today I thought I would kick it old school with a new series inspired by one of my fav bloggers, Shay Shull at Mix and Match Mama. Years ago she did a series called 52 Shades of Shay and for one year she did a blog post each week in the series. She did it as a way for her readers to get to know her better and connect.

As a new blogger…well, as blogger who started over I want to create a space where you can get to know me better so today we are going to kick off, Keeping Up with Kate.

Alright here we go today with 20 random facts…

  1. I was born in Southern Maryland but moved to Florida when I was 10 years old so I have spent most of my life in the Sunshine State.

  2. I became a Tampa Bay Bucs fan randomly, not one single person I knew was a Bucs fan. One Sunday I was watching football with my Uncle and asking questions and he told me if I wanted to know I had to pick a team (he was hoping it was his) and I asked what game was on…it was the Bucs game so I said “I’m a Bucs fan”…they won the super bowl that year (2002-2003 season) 😂

  3. I don’t have a relationship with either of my parents or siblings. I wish them well and love them from afar, it is just healthier for me to have distance.

  4. I am super super close with my Grandparents which is why losing my Grandma broke me so bad. I cry weekly that I don’t live near my Grandpa and talk to him often.

  5. Another sports story, I became a Yankees fan in middle school because I dreamed of moving to New York. You don’t get much more New York than the Yankees so a fan I became, LOL. Still love my Yanks today!

  6. Knock on wood, I have never broken a bone in my life.

  7. I love traveling but because I became a mom so young, I haven’t traveled as much as I would love to. One day I will get to my bucket list especially as the kids are getting older!

  8. Our family number is 7. All of our birthday somehow equal the number 7 so we roll with it. Example I am 3/4, Paisley is 4/3 and Cam is 6/1 (Joe is 12/4 and Savannah was born on the 25th of the month). So weird that I even know that but we think it’s fun.

  9. I am gluten and dairy free. I rarely cheat but if I do it is for queso or some kind of cheese on a meal that would really be missing it. Vegan cheese just isn’t the same sometimes.

  10. I could live off of a Mexican food diet. I gained 6 pounds in 1 weekend the first time we went to Mexico, lol.

  11. I hate driving on bridges which makes living in Florida fun! I just have a crazy fear or crashing and falling off.

  12. I love to eat out and try new places. I loathe going to the same place twice if we have a date night or travel because there are so many places I want to go.

  13. I used to work in the medical field and was even in nursing school. Half way through realized it wasn’t what I wanted to do.

  14. I graduated with a Psychology degree so I didn’t lose too many credits switching majors so late. I used it a lot when I worked in ministry but my goal was to be a school counselor.

  15. Spicy food is my love language. The spicier the better.

  16. My New Jersey book club was a Harper Collins book club of the year in 2020. It was so fun to go to events and get advanced copies of books…well, until the world shut down. Ugh!

  17. The beach with a book is my happy place.

  18. We have a family goal to take the kids to all 50 states. We are 18 states in and planning #19 for Christmas.

  19. I went on a missions trip in 2019 to El Salvador and that week was one of the best of my life and changed me forever. It is impossible to see the world the same after doing a missions trip.

  20. Recently I put myself on Target restriction 😂 I was finding myself there too often buying random crap I don’t need so I just stopped going. I still love a good Target trip but I try to only go once a month!


