Friday Favs

Happy Friday friends! We made it to the end of another week!!

As always, I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika and wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

Let’s check out the favorites from this week around these parts….

First up, on Monday we had some chilly weather and I was 👏🏻

It has already been back up to the 90’s or close to it on the regular and while I am so excited for summer, I am just not quite ready for the heat and I was loving that cool weather we had. I took the chance to wear my boots and sweater since those days are definitely numbered around here.

Yesterday, Shop Rooted and Free launches it’s newest collection and ya’ll it may be my favorite one yet. I loved every single piece so much and really tried to keep myself from keeping it all. In the end, I kept that white button down and the mix and match skirt but I am secretly hoping other things sell out except 1 in my size as an excuse to get more! 😂

If you haven’t checked out our new arrivals, I would love it if you would!

This week (and next) is filled with lots of appointments. Isn’t it funny/crazy/annoying how all of a sudden they all start stacking on top of each other? With 5 people in our family sometimes it feels like the appointments are endless.

Today, Paisley had her Ortho follow up (she still isn’t ready for braces, we’ve got some stubborn baby teeth that may need some help getting out) and she had a cavity filled and her spacer removed. We were there for 2 hours and poor girl left with a sore and numb mouth but still wanted to head to school.

As I was sitting there, I was like man, no one prepares you for all the appointments when you have kids, especially when they are close in age. I jokingly told the dentist/ortho I should get a job there since I am there so much.

Another favorite is the girls drawings! We really try to limit screens during the week. We do no tablets and try to limit the TV because their behavior changes with it especially when it comes to homework and destroying their rooms. We try to limit it for ourselves too and our house just runs smoother when we do.

But, the girls wanted to take a drawing class online and I loved that it wasn’t just staring at the screen and kept them busy. Love how their drawings turned out. Paisley on the L and Savannah on the R.

Last night I participated in a pop up sip and shop for women to celebrate Women’s History month and it was so fun! I love the nights I get to do pop ups even though I am exhausted the next day!

Last but not least, my favorite memes from the week.

One funny one and one inspirational one!

That’s all I’ve got today! I hope you have the best weekend!




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