Whoo Hoo, we made it to Friday! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind and I feel like the weeks are simultaneously going by faster than I can handle and also, the days are so long because there is just so much going on in our little world.

Today, I am at a pop up in Siesta Key Village for Shop Rooted and Free so I will likely make this a little short and sweet today since I am writing ahead of time.

So, let’s get started shall we?

First up, my favorite is my boutique….no shocker there! LOL

But in all seriousness on January 31st we celebrate ✨ONE YEAR✨ in business and I am just so excited. I am working hard behind the scenes on fun giveaways, exclusive discounts and a free gift with purchase for the week leading up to our first birthday. If you aren’t already following on IG, I would it if you would as we gear up to celebrate such a big day!

We are still over here reminciscing about our trip to Nashville to kick off 2023.

It was such good family time with my Uncle and Grandpa and we loved exploring a new and fun place.

My toxic trait is that I am always, always planning my next vacation and right now, all I want to do is return to Music City! This week on the blog I recapped our trip and also put together a post of my top recommendations after my first time in Nash.

Yesterday I shared an update on my health and part of regrouping and trying to heal my body is really deep diving back into low-tox living and wellness. I never stopped using my Young Living products but I definitely started to slip and allow products to be used that we don’t normally use. We got busy and when you get busy you go for easy and spoiler alert, my body felt it big time because I hadn’t used those kind of products in so long.

The good news is, Young Living makes it easy to jump back on when you fall off so I placed my January order, stocked up on my fav oils and Ningxia and I am ready to stop making excuses for why I pressed the easy button for a few months.

If you are ready to jump back into the wellness game, I would love to help. My website is here with lots of pre-made bundles or, shoot me a message I would love to help 1-1.

This weekend I am working a wellness pop up on Saturday and then the rest of the weekend is full of helping Savannah with her science fair project, grocery shopping, resting, church and….

checking on our new house!!!!

Yep, we are building again and we are so excited. We signed the contract last week on a house that will be done in April/May to say we are excited is a complete understatement. We found the house right before Christmas and after a lot of prayer we decided to move forward.

Happy Friday friends, I hope that you have had the best week and have a restful and fun weekend ahead. If there is any way that I can pray for you, please let me know, I would love to!


