Favorite Bible Verses

Ya’ll this week is flying by and I truly cannot believe it is already Thursday! Like, what in the world how is March creeping to a close already?

The girls and I have a few errands to run and then they are coming with me to my pop up tonight (again!) but before we do all of that. a little work is in order first! Today, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite Bible verses.

Look, we are living in crazy times right now. The world seems to be upside down, parenting feels harder as each day passes (whoever said it gets easier as they get older lied lol), groceries are twice the price they used to be and I know I can’t be the only one feeling the squeeze…and, and, and! It is stressful on a day to day and what really holds me on is my faith in the Lord.

These are verses that I cling to over and over again so, if you are in need of encouragement today (or, any day!) my biggest prayer is that they help you too! And friends, if there is any way that I can pray for you as you are reading this, please don’t hesitate to reach out, it would be my honor to pray for you!

*all images via Pinterest!


Spring Break 2023


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