Easter Baskets for Teens/Preteens

I am laughing at myself a little bit because this post right now feels like a day late and a dollar short since Easter has already passed but, I know that I will likely forget if I don’t do it now so I am rolling with it and hoping you’ll tuck this away for next year. And really, these are great ideas for stocking stuffers or gift baskets too throughout the year so my hope is that this will be helpful to you if you too struggle with putting together Easter baskets and similar holiday baskets for kids that are getting older!

For reference Paisley is 10, Savannah will be 12 next month and Cam turns 20 in June. While none of them believe in the Easter Bunny I love putting these gifts together for them but, I would be lying if I said they weren’t a little more challenging than when they were little and I could load up baskets from the dollar section of Target and they would be super happy and excited!

So today, I thought I would share what I put together for my crew to inspire some ideas for you in the future.

I got the girls the same things but did different scents, patterns, etc of some of the items. They are into the same things so I kept it simple and just made 2 of the same baskets.

For the girls //

  • Bathing Suit

  • Bathing Suit Cover

  • Prime Drink

  • Make Up Wipes

  • Headphones (I do the cheap ones because they lose them constantly)

  • Lotion

  • Dry Shampoo

  • Body Spray

  • Hair Clip

  • Candy (I threw some fruity candy in the bottom then did peeps, Reese eggs and Reese pieces)

For Cam //

  • Bathing Suit

  • Pack of t-shirts

  • Car charger and new charger for home

  • Cleaning wipes for his truck

  • Little trees for his trucks

  • Prime

  • Candy (same as the girls)

  • Fishing lures

Also worth noting that while we use and love essential oils I don’t push them on the kids all the time. When it is important to me, I always will but some things, I just have to let go. The girls are in the stage where they want lotions and body spray and since they use them sparingly (read: not everyday) I don’t mind. And, I want to teach them the 80/20 rule…like I always say, we choose to do better in some areas so we can not worry about it in other areas. And Cam is 20 so I can’t force those things on him. Just worth mentioning since I also talk about low-tox living here — it isn’t all or nothing, its a balance!

Alright, I am off for the day, I hope everyone had a great Easter!


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