Here’s the thing friends, Easter baskets and Christmas stockings and Valentine’s Day and fill in the blank of all the holiday whatever used to stress me the freak out.

Every year.

Always stressed.

Making myself go over the top.

Even though I didn’t always want to.

Whyyyyyyyy. 🤯

Well, I know why….childhood trauma but thats a post of another day. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways, if I have learned anything over the last couple of disrupted crazy years is that all my over the top, self inflicted pressure was quite frankly….ridiculous. Seriously, ridiculous.

I will give you one guess as to who cared if it was over the top. It was the same person stressed out and panicking because it wasn’t big enough, sparkly enough, or special enough.

Me. It was me. Only Me.

Here’s what I have learned and it took me a while. The kids…they don’t care. They are just excited to celebrate, have something fun to find and open and they would rather a happy Mama who grabbed everything at Target and threw it in a basket than a Mama who is so annoyed at the process that she can’t enjoy the holiday together.

I hate to admit that I was the latter more times than I care to admit.

Were there years that I loved going over the top and it brought me joy. Yes, of course. And I should lean into that when it feels good because it brings me joy. But the holidays and the seasons that it doesn’t, I need to toss it out the window on my way to Target.

This year I kept it simple. I am running a brand new business, my kiddos know that Easter is really about Jesus and that the bunny…isn’t you know what. So, I enjoyed a latte at Target and threw in my cart everything I thought they would love to have.

Cam, he still gets a basket because he may be 18 but he’s still my kid and I can’t help but make him one too. LOL. He is getting a basket filled with candy, his favorite chips and a gas gift card because…#fuelprices 😂

Here is what I grabbed for the girls…..quick note, they are 9 and almost 11 so I know they are going to be giddy over this bag especially because a couple of the items they have asked for recently.

Okay, I will stop chatting and just tell you, LOL

  • Candy….chocolate and fruity (just bought a bag of each and threw in a handful at the bottom of the basket)

  • Reese’s bunny, jelly bean stick and peeps (better save for those cavities, oops 🤷🏻‍♀️)

  • Kite

  • new pajamas

  • Flying disc ball

  • small craft kit (Target dollar spot)

  • makeup - clear mascara, lip gloss, eyeshadow, remover wipes and a blender

That’s it friends….easy peasy. I grabbed some new baskets because I accidentally broke our old ones, some crinkle paper and I was done putting them together in under 10 minutes!

I pray that this can be a reminder for you that your kids just need YOU! They don’t need all the fuss, just a happy Mama celebrating with them!


