Amazon Lately

This summer we have been on a declutter and reorganize kick. We do this every summer (and every winter too) and it helps us to keep the clutter at a minimum and to assess things that we need to replace. You know that feeling when you are looking for something only to find it shoved in the back corner, broken and unusable…yep, I hate that feeling so much too. So, twice a year (every January and every June) we clean out literally everything and replace things that need it.

Because of this, my Amazon cart has been poppin’ off and the deliveries were pretty much daily for a bit while we made our way through the house. I love that with Amazon I can just order it off my phone and add it to my cart while I go throughout the house. It feels efficient because I am not making a list but rather just ordering it when I see its needed during my clean out.

Today, I thought I would share with you my Amazon deliveries lately, maybe you need some random stuff too! 😜

First up, a new air mattress pump. Now, truth be told we don’t even own an air mattress anymore but, we have water tubes that needed to be filled up for the boat this weekend and could not find ours for the life of us. I think we got rid of it accidentally when we got rid of the air mattresses so a quick overnight got it all taken care of. Air mattress pump, here.

The girls have been begging to learn volleyball and we grabbed volleyball’s recently at Amazon but they didn’t have any nets that had feet on them. We have people who cut the lawn (they cut the entire neighborhood as part of the HOA) so we needed something that cold be removed when they were done playing and not staked into the ground. I found this one on Amazon and while it hasn’t come yet, the girls are waiting everyday for it.

I mentioned before that we recently became Disney Annual Passholders and the girls and I have plans to go throughout the summer during the week. I needed a backpack so I could pack some snacks, first aid, water, etc but I honestly don’t love carrying backpacks’ so I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on one. Amazon came through with this cute one that was super practical too.

Summer in Florida is also super hot and humid and we needed some new fans to help us keep somewhat cool while we spent the days at the park in the heat.

Backpack HERE

Portable Fans HERE

Last week Joe got a new truck after his lease was up and since we decided not to lease again, he was happy to get to add some extra things to his truck to customize it a bit. He loves the idea of customizing it completely but neither of us see the value in spending a ton of money doing that so we took to Amazon to see what we could find. He found this Amazon decal for the back window and it looks amazing and was so affordable.

With the girls home for summer break I was feeling like we were doing the dishes constantly. Like twice a day dishes and I thought, there has got to be a better way. I don’t love going through a ton of paper plates and the amount of garbage they create and they aren’t sturdy so I went on the hunt for something different.

I randomly saw these on Instagram through someone, I think Nesting with Grace if I remember correctly and immediately ordered. The girls have thought the idea is so fun and they have reduced our dishes without doubling the trash.

Wax Paper and Trays HERE

A couple of weeks ago I was doing a private shopping party for a Bible Study group and when I went to set up the host had graciously already set up a full length mirror for the ladies to use. I put mine back into the car and drove home (I set up the day before) and as soon as I took off the mirror cam crashing down in the truck and shattered.

I use the mirror constantly because of my pop ups and parties for Shop Rooted and Free so I grabbed a new one from Amazon and I love it. I ordered a new decal as well because I love having a pop of encouragement on my mirror for women to read.

Floor Length Mirror and Decal HERE

The girls recently both broke their screen protectors for their phones and I quickly ordered these and they were great to install and so far so good. They are 11 and 13 so they definitely need the extra protection.

Screen Protector HERE

When we traveled to SC last month I accidentally left my razor in the hotel bathroom so I ordered a new one. While I was looking for the razor I decided to look for this beauty massager as I work to increase my skincare routine. I have loved using this every night, the warm and vibration feel nice right before my skincare routine and I can already see some of the puffiness in my face getting better which is what I was hoping for.

Billie Razor Start Kit HERE

Beauty Massager HERE

It is so unlike me but on that same trip, I also forgot my sound machine on the bed and didn’t realize until we got home. I was caring for my Grandpa so I know my mind was elsewhere but I cannot sleep without this and had to reorder immediately.

Sound machine here.

During my quiet time I always do a Bible study and a leadership development book. I finished my others at the same time so I reordered books by the same authors and so far I have loved them.

The Pumpkin Plan Book

Courageous Influence Study

Our frother was broken and we all love to froth our creamer for coffee and tea so I quickly ordered a replacement.

Milk Frother

Last but not least, we needed new kitchen towels and oven mitts and these fit the bill and are cute too!

Kitchen Towel Set

Striped Oven Mitts

Alright friends, whew that I what has shown up on my doorstep lately. I am still waiting on a few things to arrive that have been sitting in my cart that I decided to order — anyone else save up their cart and save for later until you finally decide to order? My save for later is probably $5k at this point, LOL.


Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol


Friday Favorites (6.21.24)