5 Things I’ve Done To Help Me Sleep Better

I have shared here and on social media a few times that I have the worst time getting a good nights sleep. So often I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep and many mornings I wake up and feel like I haven’t slept a wink all night long.

A few weeks ago I took to my Instagram page and asked for some advice and support on what I could do to help me get a better night sleep and you ladies pulled through!

Let me tell you, those 5:00 AM alarm clocks come early and I found myself hitting snooze far too often and way too much but truthfully, I was so exhausted and not just being lazy. I started to implement a few things that you ladies suggest and I have been sleeping so much better every night and I find myself naturally waking up right before my alarm each morning which has been a nice change from my restless night sleeps that I have experienced for years.

Here are 5 things I did to change my sleep habits (which aren’t perfect but definitely getting better) -

  1. Take A Magnesium Supplement // This was probably the number one suggestion I got from everyone. I started to take Magnesium around 8:00 pm every night. I grabbed a supplement at Target in tablet form but there are tons of options including powders to drink, etc. This I think has been the biggest game changer and many people mentioned that so many of us are deficient in magnesium which can cause restless sleep and gosh, I really believe this after starting.

  2. Create A Solid Bedtime Routine // I have a solid morning routine but with the busyness of after school activities and dinner and just the balance of everything in life that needs to be done I had a terrible nighttime routine that was never consistent. Now, I am sticking with the same routine and helping my mind and body know that it is time to wind down and go to bed.

  3. More Reading & Less TV and Phone // I stopped watching TV shows during the week (except the shows I use as background noise while I work). I sometimes have the Yankees game on as background noise but no shows that suck me in and keep me up later than I want to be. I have been reading before bed and trying not to pick up my phone when I get tired and instead let myself start drifting off to sleep.

  4. Limit Caffeine in the Afternoon & Evening // I didn’t think that caffeine really effected me much but the more I studied my habits and what I was consuming I was starting to think caffeine had a bigger effect on me than I realized. I stopped having caffeine in the afternoon after lunch and I think this has helped me be able to wind down more and shut my brain off at night when I couldn’t before.

  5. Using Essential Oils // I started to use my Tranquil Roller on the bottom of my feet every night when I climb into bed. I really try not to get into bed until I am ready to start settling down for the night and this is a good last step in my routine. This relaxation oil combines Cedarwood, Lavender, and Roman Chamomile with a soothing aroma that create a calming, serene and peaceful experience.

I am no expert in sleep (boy do I wish I was) but I have definitely been putting a lot of work into creating good sleep habits so that I can feel well rested and ready to tackle my days. As a busy wife, mom and entrepreneur it is essential that I prioritize my sleep so I can function at full capacity each day.

If you have any sleep tips, please leave them below, we are in this together and as a community I would love to see us getting better nights sleep so we can chase our dreams and fulfill the calling that God has on our lives.


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