36 at 36

This past weekend I turned 36 and gosh, something about getting closer to 40 has me reflecting so much and also, shedding so many limiting beliefs I have had about myself over the years. I know aging isn’t something that everyone looks forward to but personally, I find more confidence and freedom the older I get so I say, bring it on! 👏🏻

Through these reflections, I thought…lets share 36 things (lessons, reflections, etc) to celebrate my birthday here on the blog!

Let’s get started…

  1. Stop caring so much about what others think. If you trusted circle is cheering you on and supporting you, who cares if others aren’t?

  2. Life is so short, do what makes you happy.

  3. Wear what you want. Along the same lines of #1 and #2, it is your life, you have to do and wear and be what makes you happy and confident.

  4. Stop wasting time. If you want something, go after it. If you want a new habit, start it. Time goes by fast so stop wasting it.

  5. Book the trip. You will never regret it even when it doesn’t go perfect.

  6. Shed the things (and people) that no longer serve you. Some things and people are only meant to be in your life for a season and that is okay!

  7. Tell your people you love them every change you get.

  8. Spend time with your family members, one day they won’t be here and you will wish for even just 5 more minutes.

  9. Work hard, play hard. Gosh, I wish I could go back and tell Kate 5 years ago that life isn’t meant to be worked away. Work hard and then play hard friends, if you can’t make life fun and adventourous you aren’t living!

  10. Buy the tickets. To the event, to the sports game, to the concert….stop stressing about the cost because you will have the time of your life and it will be worth every penny.

  11. You get to take up space in this world, make sure you do!

  12. Believe in yourself as much as you believe in others.

  13. Get out of your comfort zone, even if it’s just a couple times a year.

  14. Always be willing to grow and learn. Books, podcasts, retreats, all of it.

  15. Change is a beautiful thing, be willing to change things even if you weren’t planning to.

  16. Eat better and exercise, your future self will thank you.

  17. On those same lines, wash your darn face! Wear sunscreen, take care of that skin girl!

  18. Health is wealth, make sure you go to those yearly appointments and prioritize making sure your physical and mental health is taken care of.

  19. When you are feeling down, put on some 90’s music, it will uplift you instantly.

  20. Remember that other peoples actions are a direct reflection of you, everyone is responsible for themselves so make sure you are focusing on your actions, let other people focus on theirs.

  21. Smile at strangers, compliment them. Be a kind human!

  22. Stay in your own lane. When you try to be someone else the world misses out on you!

  23. Enjoy the coffee, the diet coke, the “cheat meal”….if you regret it afterwards you take away the enjoyment of the treat.

  24. Find the things that fill your soul and do more of that!

  25. Spend time with the Lord if you are a believer, it’s hard to carve out that time but always worth it.

  26. Find good friends and hold them close.

  27. Enjoy the little moments with your kids, those messy mundane moments make their childhood and you don’t want to miss it.

  28. Turn the music up and put the windows down…enjoy the fresh air and carefree moments.

  29. The house doesn’t always have to be visitor ready, it is okay if it is messy, you live in it!

  30. Bad moments don’t make bad days!

  31. Take the time to write notes, technology is amazing but those little notes will be cherished by those you write them to.

  32. When you live out your passions you encourage others to do the same, so get after it!

  33. Self talk is so important. Don’t talk to yourself that way if you wouldn’t talk to your daughter or friend that way.

  34. Rest is not meant to be done when you are burnt out, carve it into your schedule often.

  35. You do get an “A” for effort, because you tried!

  36. Make sure your relationship with yourself is as healthy as with those you love, you matter too!

What else would you add to this list? Does anything hit home for you?


Greek Meatballs
