15 Daily Habits To Keep

Recently I have been really trying to get my habits and routines down. I think part of it is the transition from the school year to summer break and knowing that the girls will be home all summer but, I have really been focused on knowing what makes me feel my best and what makes me feel like I can keep my cool throughout the day.

While there are many things that I (that we all) do throughout the day, I know that doing these small habits and routines really do help keep my head and mind clear and my body feeling the best that I can. So today, I wanted to share with you what those habits and routines.

Before we get started, I just wanted to be clear that I am not perfect (far from it actually) and that everyday I don’t get these all done, I just know that when I do, my days are 100x better than when I don’t so I really do try to aim to get these done.

Okay, let’s jump right in…

  1. Wake up earlier than the kids. My alarm goes off at 5:30 AM and while I don’t usually jump out of bed when it goes off, I am up and at ‘em shortly after.

  2. A hot cup of coffee. I love nothing more than a hot cup of coffee in the morning and the slowness of the routine of making it, really helps wake me up.

  3. Read my devotional and do my Bible study. I work through new studies and devos throughout the year and always share on social media if you need ideas.

  4. Journal. I love to journal my prayer requests and what I am grateful for. I keep my gratitude simple and try to thinking of the little things each day that I am so thankful for.

  5. Read 10 pages of a leadership development book. I love learning and growing and each morning after my study and journaling I always read 10 pages or so of a leadership development book.

  6. Exercise. I really try to do 45 minutes of moving my body. I love my Peloton and right now I am doing 30 minutes on the treadmill (12/3/30) and a 15 minute strength class.

  7. Get dressed. Outside of my pajamas. Outside of my workout clothes. Getting dressed and ready for the day makes me feel so much better and makes me more productive. Now, I will say if we are having a relaxing lazy day at home I am in comfies all day and if I need to get shit done that requires athletic wear, I am usually staying in my workout clothes but mostly, I am getting dressed everyday for whatever the day brings.

  8. Check my email. I am one of those people that want my emails at 0 everyday. I love a clean inbox and everyday I check them once in the morning and one in the evening, both my work and personal emails. I try not to check throughout the day and get distracted so twice a day works.

  9. Check my calendar for the week. I check it daily just so I can always mentally know what is coming up in my day and week. This helps me feel like I am in control of my schedule and am not surprised by appointments, etc.

  10. Listen to a podcast. Normally I do this when I am packing orders, unpacking new arrivals (for my boutique) or when I am steaming and getting ready for an event but I also listen to them in the car too often.

  11. Work through my to do list. I keep a running to do list of things I need to do personally and for work each day and week. I use these as a guide for my days and what I need to do each day and week. I work through them every single day. And truly, if it isn’t on my list it probably won’t get done.

  12. Read for leisure. I love reading while I can’t read in this season as much as I want to, I do try to read for at least 30 minutes everyday a book for fun.

  13. Wash my face. I do this evening morning and every evening. Something about washing my face helps me feel clean and ready to take on the day or wash them off and wind down.

  14. Have a sweet treat. Ha, you probably weren’t expecting this one but I love a sweet treat and I let myself have something each day. Sometimes it is after lunch and sometimes after dinner but I find if I let myself have a little sweet treat everyday, I don’t go crazy when I have them.

  15. Watch a comfort show. We all have them — for me it’s Grey’s Anatomy, Gilmore Girls as my top 2 and then usually to mix things up I will rewatch shows I love as I work, do things around the house etc. I don’t love silence so this breaks the silence and these are just shows that make me happy so incorporating them into my day as background noise just makes my day better.

I encourage you evaluate your own days and see what is working for you and what is not. There is no better day than today to make changes so that you can have the best day possible because good days create good lives and a string of those days and habits really make a difference in your mood and experiences.

If something I share is helpful, please steal it and if something I share sounds terrible, well toss that out and move on. If you are going to add something to your routine, I would love to know below! Have something you think I should add? Let me know below as well, I am always evaluating and making sure my days are serving me and family well.


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