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Today I am joining Shay and Sheaffer for their monthly link up, What’s Up Wednesday! I love these posts because they give a peak into day to day lives and truthfully, that is my favorite part of blogging and social media.

I have mentioned before that I love old school blogging and these posts always remind me of just that so I am excited to join this month! So, let;’s get started…

1: WHAT WE’RE EATING THIS WEEK: I shared earlier this week that we are keeping things simple since we have cheer every night this week (we go down to 3 nights a week next week, praise!). I shared my favorite meal planning tips and grabbed this quick photo of dinner plans this week!

2. WHAT I’M REMINISCING ABOUT: Summer break! 😂 Which is comical because I couldn’t wait for school to start but part of me is missing those carefree summer days already. Maybe I just need a good nights sleep, #mamatired

3: WHAT I’M LOVING: All the diffusing blends I am creating in the mornings. I love waking the girls up for school and starting all of our diffuser! I know everyone is getting ready for fall but I am still loving all the summer scents and bright citrus smells filling my house.

4: WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO: If you need us, we are probably at the cheer field. I may be tired but I love it so much and there is no where else I would rather be than watching my girls doing something they love.

5: WHAT I’M DREADING: Nothing at the moment, thankfully!

6: WHAT I’M WORKING ON: Fall is the busy season for my business which is so exciting! I am prepping for a ton of pop ups (if you are local you can check out our events page). And, I am working on gathering women in business together for community here locally too. This has been on my heart for so long and I am excited to start planning it! If you are local to me in the greater Tampa area and want to connect with other women in business, we would love to have you join us! Fill out our interest form HERE.

7: WHAT I’M EXCITED ABOUT: The busy fall season! This will be my first season for fall markets and everyone I talk to locally says it is the best season for local vendors so I am excited to experience it myself. As I continue to build my business, it is important to me to be part of our local community so getting to do pop ups and meet others is a big focus of mine.

8: WHAT I’M WATCHING/READING: I have been in a reading slump lately. I don’t know why but the past couple years, I have struggled with my reading. I love to read but for some reason, I just struggle to start books lately. Truthfully, I think the fatigue of the last few years has caught up with me in a big way so I am just reading when I want to and not sweating it when I don’t. Currently, I am trying to finish Beach Read.

Same with TV…not a lot is keeping my attention but Big Brother this season definitely is! I took a couple years off watching and started again this summer and count down until new episodes!

9: WHAT I’M LISTENING TO: Currently listening to Gilmore Girls in the background while I work! GG or Grey’s Anatomy will also be my go to for background noise because I don’t have to pay attention but if I look up I know what is going on!

10: WHAT I’M WEARING: It is still 1000 degrees in Florida so I am wearing all the easy, mom on the go outfits that keep me cool but put together. I also kept one of everything from my new launch with Shop Rooted and Free 😂

11: WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND: On Friday and Saturday I have pop ups! Joe will take the girls to cheer both days and then Sunday/Monday we are having family days! We have a BBQ to go to, yard work to do and some rest thrown in there too! Even though I am working half the weekend I am really excited for everything planned.

12: WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: Homecoming for cheer, pop ups, a girls weekend away with a friend and officially the start of pumpkin spice season! I know, I know, I can get it now and maybe I will but fall starts next month so its officially official! 🎃

13: FAVORITE AMAZON FIND OF THE MONTH: A bunch of us moms ordered these shorts to wear with our cheer mom tanks (yep, I realize cheer is taking over my life LOL) but we all ordered and we all love them SOOOO much! They come in a ton of colors and are a great price.

Alright friends, I am off to go prep clothes for this weekend! If you are shopping online, I wanted to share that I updated our sale page at Shop R+F and it is exclusively for online shoppers! I hope everyone is having a great week!