What’s inside my bag!

The other day I was reading a post by one of my favorite bloggers and she shared what was inside her bag and I loved the post. It was so simple and maybe even a little silly but ya’ll, those random everyday posts are my fav! I love seeing how people do things and how they live and I am betting you do too. I mean, there is a reason that reality TV is so popular right? So, I thought…let’s give it a whirl!

Last weekend Joe surprised me with this Chloe bag that has been on my wishlist for a while and I couldn’t love it more! At first I did think maybe it was a little big for everyday use but the reality is as a busy wife, mom and entrepreneur, I carry a lot of things around with me from day to day and sometimes my everyday bag was a little small for the season we are currently in.

So, here is a peek inside my bag! I am currently carrying the Chloe Woody Large Tote bag.

I like to be super organized and I hate bags that become a dark hole of chaos so I use several different small bags to keep everything together.

Also noting that I got the large size because any given day I am carrying an Ipad, laptop, notebook or other things I need for work or the kids. Everything fits so nicely inside and I don’t have to carry two bags when I need to carry all the things. I think this bag is going to be great for travel too and I am going to get a lot of use out of it.

I purchased this sunglasses case on Amazon years ago and I can’t find it online anymore, but this one is very similar. It holds 2 pairs on sunglasses and I love that it is a soft case I can use in a larger or small bag. I like carrying 2 sunglasses with me and switching between the 2, I get bored wearing the same ones everyday and like to have options. I know, I know…extra but what are ya gonna do, lol!

Next up, a little snack pack! My friend Sheena owns Best Friends Apothecary and made this for me when I showed her my zip loc bag I was using 😂 In here I have grab and go snacks that are gluten free so that I can have something in case I am hungry and out and can’t grab something. With all my food allergies I can’t just grab anything unless I want a stomach ache so I throw in some beef sticks, gum, granola bars, trail mix, etc.

This one really cracked me up because I was not expecting to have so many lip glosses in my bag, ha! I use my LV pouch and throw in all my lip stuff. I cannot stand when my lips are dry and again, I like options so here we are…13 different glosses, chapstick and lipsticks. I should probably clean this out and edit it down but, I am who I am and it works!

I don’t have a link for this bag, it was part of a gift from a friend but you can find these just about anywhere anymore. In here i have lotion, sunscreen, hair ties and clips, floss, bandaids, sanitizer, etc…all the first aid type things we may need when out and about. I probably grab from this bag more than I should admit but I truly love having anything I would need when out.

Last up is this little pill box that I have shared before. I like the different compartments and that I can carry around medicine that either the kids or adults could need. Sudafed, Tylenol, Benadryl, Tums, GI stuff…anything we could need in this little box.

My wallet…I used to carry a big wallet but it has become so unnecessary. I like this small zip card case I grabbed at the Tory Burch outlet in TN but I linked a similar one HERE.

I love that both of these items are easily thrown in a big bag or a small crossbody so that on the weekends when I don’t need a big bag I can quickly throw stuff in my smaller one.

So there you have, what’s in my bag! Are you like me and carry all.the.things or are you more simple?


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