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Hi friends!

I can hardly believe that I am typing these words but ya'll it is here, the launch of my boutique Shop Rooted + Free! 🎉

My dream of owning a womens boutique has been safely inside my heart for many years but today, I get to send my dream out into the world and I am so excited to share it with you! Thank you SO much to everyone who has encouraged me, cheered me on and supported this dream of mine, I truly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. I am so honored to have received the love and support over this launch and I can't wait to give that back to each of you as you chase your dreams too!

Today's launch is the first of many collections that are to come + I can't wait to spend the years ahead curating pieces that help you feel confident being you. My deepest prayer is that the items you purchase from Shop Rooted + Free make you feel inspired, encouraged and empowered to be all that you can be! I hope today and everyday you know how loved and worthy you are!

I can't wait to watch you chase your dreams and wish I could give you a great big hug for supporting mine!

With love + joy,

Kate 💗