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Hello there blog world, Happy Monday!

Gosh, it feels a little crazy to be doing another introduction blog post here on Rooted + Free Co. but if I am being honest, the starting and stopping of this blog has been part of my creative process. As I have created this space, continue to refine what I want it to be/look/feel I have enjoyed writing blogs and then deleting them, creating them and never publishing them and dreaming about what I want this space to look like. Up until now, I don’t know that anything felt “right”…it didn’t quite feel authentic to what I wanted to create here so I have let myself go through the process and I am excited on where I have landed.

I have loved blogs for about 10 years now, reading my favorites each day and seeking them out when I am looking for advice, gift ideas, recipes and more. I have had a few other blogs over the years but due to babies and toddlers, full time jobs and multiple moves those blogs have come and gone but my love for them has always remained the same. I somehow always end up back in a space of writing and creating and I hope that never changes. Writing has always been therapeutic for me. It has always been something that I love to do and I hope that even as this space continues to grow and change that writing will always be a part of what I do here.

Why? The connection. The space where we can meet each other where we are. Where we can share our hearts and feel like we are sitting next to each other drinking a cup of coffee and catching up. It creates a space for deep thought, or not. It creates a space where fun and gathering can be felt through a screen and where memories can be documented even if only for a season.

As I dream about what this space is/can be I hope that it can serve as “a little bit of everything” because I deeply desire this space to be a space of community and connection. You will find here information/updates/pics about my boutique launching early 2022, tips/tricks/loves of low-tox living, family stuff, recipes and life lately and just about anything else I would share if we were together taking a walk around my neighborhood.

With 2021 coming to a close and with 2022 on the horizon I hope to redeem the pieces of me that were lost from the last 2 years. I have big dreams and plans for the future that I look forward to sharing here on this space with you. I can’t wait to get to know you through this blog and create a community that cheers each other on, is a shoulder to cry on and a safe place to land.

Here’s to what is to come, the best is ahead of us friends and I can’t wait!