This morning I was chatting with my husband and talking about where my business currently is. And, where I want it to be. And all my ideas to get from here to there. And dreaming just felt so fun.

I have shared many times my constant struggle with contentment and how I am always looking to the future, to the next thing. And while I am constantly leaning into that so I can find joy in current seasons, I do love what a dreamer I am too.

After we hung up the phone from our morning catch up, I was scrolling Pinterest and saw this quote and smiled when I read it.

Friends, it is SO important to find joy and happiness and contentment with where you are but dreaming big also brings a lot of joy too. And I truly believe that if we can dream it, we can do it. But, often times we are the thing that limits us. We stop ourselves. We let fear over rule what we know we are capable of. We say no before we even give ourselves a chance to say yes.

But truly, our only limit is our minds.

We can do hard things.

We can chase dreams.

You are worth it. And deserve it.

And today as I remind myself that I can hold both contentment and dreams in the same hand, I wanted to remind you of this too. Don’t let yourself limit yourself friends…let’s go out there and do the dang thing.




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