It’s almost LOVE day friends!

I will be honest and say that I used to never celebrate Valentine’s Day except for helping the kids do the stuff they needed for school. I literally loathed Valentine’s Day until a couple years ago and I don’t even know how that changed or shifted from me but one year I just decided that I was going to learn to enjoy it and now…I think it’s so fun!

We don’t go crazy overboard for Valentine’s Day but I do love wearing a fun festive shirt (and getting the girls to wear one too!) and celebrating the people that I love most! We usually do something as a whole family and also get the kids a little something from us to them.

This year though, I totally took it up a notch and got Valentine’s nails…LOL! If you would have told me that 10 years ago, I probably would have laughed in your face. Never say never! 🤪

I mean, they are so cute! 😍

Anyways, today I wanted to give you a few cute and simple ideas on what you can wear for love day! They are all from Shop Rooted + Free so maybe I am a little bias but I love them! Bonus, they are general enough that you can wear them all year round no problem!

Do you get festive for Valentine’s Day or do you just skip it all and eat some chocolate? LOL

Looking to grab something for the day? Head on over to Shop Rooted and Free….we’ve got you covered!


