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Trader Joes Haul

Hi friends, happy Tuesday!

This morning after I dropped the girls off at school I ran to Trader Joe’s to grab some items to get us through the week before we leave for vacation. We leave on Saturday so I didn’t grab a full grocery haul so that we can eat what is here in the house already but I definitely needed to grab some essentials to get us through.

If you have never been to Trader Joe’s I highly recommend, it’s definitely a fav of ours and it is fun to get things that you can’t find at a “normal” grocery store. I will say that the challenge for our family of 5 is that the portions are small so we usually have to buy 2 of everything to make a full meal and we can’t really do our full grocery shopping there as a family of 5. However, I love going every few weeks (or when I can get there) to grab our favorite meals and snacks to supplment our regular grocery store runs (usually Kroger delivery)

So without further ado, I would like to jump in and let the pictures speak mainly for themselves.

First up, I grabbed a couple beauty items.

My girls love this spray and I used it when we traveled and loved it too so I grabbed one for myself and this hair mask. I love the TJ hair serum so I thought I would give this a shot.

Next up, is all of the produce/cold items that I bought. I love their fresh fruit so much for taste and price. The mini avocado’s are always my favorite because they are the size of about a half a regular avocado so the portion is perfect.

And then here are the dry items and snacks that I grabbed. Trader Joe’s trail mix and dried fruit are the absolute best around and their nut selection is extensive making healthy snacks easy to grab here.

The girls especially love their PB&J snacks and their granola bars. The gluten free coffee cake muffins are delicious, they aren’t dairy free but they are gluten free and they are amazing.

Okay that is all I have for today, a picture book filled with amazing Trader Joe’s finds making it the perfect little post on a Tuesday! If you love TJ’s too let me know what I should grab next!