Two thought changes that have changed my life….

  • It is okay to rest.

  • It is okay to need time alone.

Okay, I know for many people those aren’t ground breaking ideas or thoughts. They aren’t even concepts that would cross some peoples mind but after my season of burn out these are 2 thoughts that I repeat to myself over and over again.

For a little backstory if you are new here, 2 years ago I burnt out from full time ministry and just life in general. My job was super chaotic before the pandemic and that just added onto the constant demand, need to always be on and quite frankly I died to myself for the sake of others. Sounds dramatic a little but it was my reality. I put all of my needs aside, even the basic ones to care for everyone else and I ended up hitting a wall, physically and emotionally. It wasn’t just my job, it was a pattern I had taken into my personal life to…give, give, give but never receive and never rest.

Through a lot of healing I have come to the simple but profound conclusion that I need rest and I need time alone to be my best self for others. I need to recharge, I need to do things that fill up my heart and soul and I need to care for my mind and body.

This does not come naturally to me. I am wired to be on the go, do all the things and as a high capacity person it is easy for me to just keep charging through until I can’t anymore.

But, I know it is not good for me and so I am always trying to keep these things front of mind and this morning was one of them. Tonight, I have a pop up for Shop Rooted and Free, the event is from 7-10 and set up is 2 hours before (tear down an hour before) so…this morning, I dropped this girls off at school and went back to bed 😂 Initially I had planned to sip my coffee and watch a show but mentally and emotionally was craving silence so I legit went back to sleep.

For an hour after school drop off, I ignored everything and went to sleep. It makes me laugh thinking about it but I know it was exactly what I needed…more emotionally than anything but I am sure physically after 6 hours setting up/working/tearing down in the heat my physical body will thank me for it too.

Anyways, I feel like I am just rambling but, all this to say…friends, listen to your mind and body. It tells you what you need before you think you do and the best thing I have done for myself the last 2 years is listen to it, even if that means sacrificing in other areas. I promise you, it is worth it.

Cheering you on and always in your corner!


