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Hi friends, happy Monday!

Okay, I unintentionally took a little break from writing here on the blog over the last week and a half. Life just kinda got thrown at me with family visiting and then my grief (2 years since we lost my Grandma was marked last week and it was hard to handle to be completely honest) and so here we are…a bunch of days from my last post but such is life!

Anyways, today I am jumping back in sharing a little more of our low-tox living journey.

When I decided that our family would go low tox almost 2 years ago I knew realistically we could never do it 100%. I know some families can but I knew that it wouldn’t work with our family for many reasons…one, my husband and son aren’t always on board and two, thats just not how I roll. I don’t think I can be anything 100% if I am being honest. (It’s why Whole 30 isn’t a sustainable way of life for us) but I do think that we do about 80/20 with 80% of the time we use better cleaner options and I am a firm believer that even if you did 20/80 that is better than not being aware at all.

I’ve shared many times before about how bad chemicals are for us but I saw the imagine above on IG this week and it blew my mind all over again…

Like, what in the world. I have no words. Except, it confirmed that we made the right decision in following this journey to low-tox living.

I am so thankful for Young Living because I won’t lie….going low-tox is not easy and it isn’t easy because of all the hidden chemicals and words that are used to cover up the amount of chemicals in products. In the US especially, companies can cover up chemicals and such more than any other country and it is hard to navigate alone. Young Living has been such a resource and an easy place to shop if you decide to go low-tox. I know that when I buy from Young Living, I am getting the best products without all the junk.

One of my favorite products? Thieves! Young Living has a whole line of Thieves products but today, I wanted to chat about the laundry soap.

My son suffers from eczema and if we aren’t careful he will flare up (especially on his arms) and it can be hard to control when a flare up happens. This was my #1 driving factor in ditching and switching from our favorite brand of detergent to Thieves. It makes me so happy that he hasn’t had a flare up in over a year since using this detergent and cleaning up many other products around him.

Here’s the thing….Thieves Laundry Soap is highly concentrated and a little goes a long way so I take 1 bottle and turn it into 3 so that we don’t over use (I have a heavy hand LOL).

Here is how I do it…

What you need:

  • 1 bottle Thieves Laundry Soap

  • 3 BPA free pump bottles (I grabbed mine from Amazon HERE)

  • Thieves Concentrate Cleaner

  • Lemon Essential Oil

  • Water

How to make it:

  • Split 1 bottle of laundry soap evenly between the 3 pump bottles

  • Add 2 capfuls of Thieves cleaner to each bottle

  • Add 7-10 drops of lemon essential oil (great for stains and smell)

  • Fill the rest of the bottle(s) with water and shake

When you do your laundry, you only need 5 or so pumps (sometimes I will do more for a larger load or towels/sheets). Also, don’t forget to drop the dryer sheets. You can use dryer balls or, I throw in a Seedlings baby wipe from Young Living!

That’s it! So easy and in the end, it saves you money too! For a family of 5 washing laundry almost daily and washing sheets weekly this will last us 8-12 weeks for one bottle!

Questions? Let me know below or feel free to reach out to me on IG!

Ready to grab what you need? Here is a quick link to everything I mentioned above! Rooted + Free Laundry Favs