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The Best Yes & The Future

Hi friends, Happy Monday!

I don’t know about ya’ll but I am actually loving the time change so far! I know it has only been one day but, having the sun up bright and early really helps to get my day started and I got more done before 9am today than I have in a long time. Now, tonight at cheer practice when it is dark as it starts that will probably be a different story but so far, I am loving the mornings.

Anyways, I wanted to jump on today and share with you guys just a little note from my heart.

As I have mentioned before, the last month or two has been really hard. Well, maybe not hard but life has worn me down. My stress levels were high and as a result, I feel like my health has tanked again. I am super inflamed and swollen, back to constant joint issues and stomach pains and while it has really slowed me down and mentally taken a toll, it has also made me realized that there are places and areas in my life that I need to take steps back.

Years ago I read the book “The Best Yes” by Lysa TerKeurst and I loved it. I got so much out of the book and it really changed my life for the better and what I have realized lately is that my yes’ have not been my best and it is time to take some things off my plate. Part of why I started by own business and have the model that I do is so that I have bandwidth and so that I can make my family my number one priority and the last two months have shown me that I have said yes to too much that has taken my focus off what is most important.

So, going into 2024 I have already given my “notice” to a few volunteer commitments I have that take up way more time than I have to give and sadly, I have also decided to step away from Gathered, a networking group I started for local female founders in my area. While I love volunteering and I love the mission of Gathered, I realized that those two things were actually taking focus away from what I really want to focus on which is my family as well as my personal brand and boutique. I know that eventually there will be time to do it all but right now in this season there is not (without my family and my health suffering) and that is also okay. I have also decided to take a step back from a few pop ups I was doing each month and only do the ones very local to me in my town and focus on online sales. As someone who is go-go-go and loves to set goals and crush them, that was a very hard decision for me but I am already seeing pay off at home.

Anyways, I am sharing all of this because as I plan for and look forward to 2024 things may look a little different around here. As I am setting better boundaries and creating better rhythms in my business I may not be here 5 days a week like I originally set out to do. But, I am excited for the future and where 2024 is going to take my blog and boutique.

Thanks for being here friends and for navigating through the mud with me this fall. It’s an amazing place to be in when you can take a step back in life and really evaluate the things that are working and the things that are not and commit to a change.