The Best Boat/Beach Lunch

When we boat our boat in May one of the first thoughts I had was…how am I going to feed everyone when we are out on the water all day! I mean, if that isn’t a thought of a Mom, I truly don’t know what is. #MomLife

We thought about purchasing a grill for the boat but then ultimately decided to skip that for now because we were concerned about having a hot grill with a dog and kids on the boat so until we really get the hang of out boat days and the girls are maybe a little older, we are pressing pause on the grill. So, what do I feed everyone?

I can’t remember when or where I originally saw this, but I remember thinking it was genius and gave it a whirl. Let me tell you, I found the best and easiest way to pack a lunch for my family that lasts longer than a normal sandwich and stays fresh all day.

With the sandwiches we pack a ton of snacks — fruit, veggies, chips, granola bars — basically, snacks that won’t melt. I found the key to snacks is that they have to be easy and not need to be in the cooler because there is only so much room (we do drinks, sandwiches, fruit/veggies only in the cooler). I feel like we have found the sweet spot of knowing how much to pack and what to pack that will get eaten. #MomWin

So, back to the sandwiches. They are so easy I feel a little silly even writing a whole post about them but gosh, I am so glad I found them where ever I did and I you will feel the same way when you make these at home.

All you need is the condiments and lunchmeat/cheese of your choice and King’s Hawaiian roll pack. I always grab the 24 pack since there are 5 of us but they have a 12 pack if you don’t need as many as we do.

To make them the important part is that you keep the rolls in the cardboard so when you open the package just unfold the board rather than taking the bread out. Once opened, cut the top of the bread off (like shown below) so that the base of the sandwich remains in place. Then, add your condiments and meat/cheese as you desire (and whatever other toppings you want) and place the top of the bread back on.

Once you have everything assembled use your knife to cut them into the 12 or 24 mini sandwiches following the lines of the bread. Assemble the cardboard back around the sandwiches and put them back in the package bag they came in. This is what makes these so genius…they are easy to pack and bring along and use way less trash/keep better in the cooler.

When someone wants a sandwich they go and grab what they want and put the rest back in the cooler and they stay fresh (and not soggy) all day long. I have made these at least a dozen times this summer so far and let me tell you, they only get better!

See how easy? I grabbed one at a sandbar and couldn’t wait to share this with you today! If you give them a try let me know, would love to hear if you love them as much as we do!


Happy 4th of July!


Friday Favorites