Happy Wednesday friends!

We are on our first week of summer break and it has been busy, productive and a little messy but we are starting to find our groove over here. During the school year we have a pretty good routine but sometimes, in the summer all of that gets thrown to the wind and it leaves me feeling a little overwhelmed and anxious if I am being honest. I am determined to find some kind of “balance” this summer between working, having some structure/education/responsibilities for the girls and having fun/relaxing/going with the flow.

It isn’t going to be easy and I know that not every week is going to feel balanced but I think getting into the mind frame and trying is going to feel better than not having a plan and hoping for the best.

Anyways, this weekend we got ready for the summer ahead and snuck in some fun along the way! Here is a peek at our weekend! But first, these cuties on the last day of school…cracks me up that the bucket hats are back!

Friday morning, the first day of summer started early when I remembered that I scheduled the girls yearly physical for 10am. 😂

I did not get cool mom points for this and I definitely didn’t get them when Savannah got 2 immunizations but, we were over it quick when we went to CFA for lunch!

We snuck in multiple trips to the pool. These ladies are water babies and I love sitting by the pool reading so it is win-win all around.

We also went to Costco to get all the summer snacks.

Honestly, Costco is my least favorite place to go shopping but sometimes it is necessary and exactly where we need to go. So, we loaded up the crew and spent our Friday night snack shopping.

Am I the only one who thinks Costco is a hassle?

I also snuck in a mani/pedi and some reading for a little me time and it was just what was needed after a busy last week of school.

Sunday I had a pop up event in Tampa. It was hot and really slow…I didn’t think about it being Memorial Day weekend when I booked it and it was really empty. But, I always count it a win when I can connect with other local small businesses and hand out a few business cards!

Happy summertime friends! It is my favorite time of year and I am looking forward to a fun few months ahead!

What are your summer plans?


