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A couple years ago I went to my friend Joy’s house for a family BBQ and she made the most amazing salad. Like, I don’t even really love salads and this salad was in my dreams! LOL.

Anyways, the other day I was randomly craving it so I text her to get the recipe again and made it for dinner alongside some grilled chicken. It was just as delicious as I remembered and it was so simple to make so I thought I would share it with you today!

Salad //

  • Argula

  • Cherry Tomatos

  • Craisins

  • Parmesan Cheese

  • Pistachios (her salad didn’t have these but I had a little on hand and threw them in there to use them up)

Dressing //

  • Olive Oil

  • Fresh Lemon Juice

  • Salt + Pepper

  • Red Pepper flakes (something I added because I love a little spice but you could omit this)

I mean, literally that is it. Truly doesn’t get more simple and let’s be real, we all need a little more simple in our lives. It was the perfect summer salad and I think you could even add more to create even more flavor…I plan to add sweet potatoes soon to make it fall-ish!

If you give this a try let me know! Happy Hump Day friends….we are almost to Friday!