Sleep Favs, Tips & Tricks

Happy Thursday friends!

I have been having a Hashimoto’s flare and I feel a cold coming on so I have been taking it easy the last few days and have taken a nap every single day this week which is so unlike me. I like to go, go, go but my body has been telling me to stop and rest so I have been listening.

Since I have been prioritizing sleep this week I thought I would share some of my favorite sleep supports. I am a horrible sleeper, I sleep very light and usually have a hard time falling asleep so I need tools to support getting good rest.

  1. A diffuser next to my bed. About 30 minutes before bedtime I will start the diffuser. My fav sleep oils are Lavender and Cedarwood. A few drops of one or both and it helps me start to get ready for bed and sleep.

  2. Put the electronics down. Whether it is my phone or the TV, I have realized that screens make me sleep horribly. I try to not have screens about an hour before bed and while I am not perfect at this, I notice a huge difference when I do and don’t have electronics.

  3. Invest in a good pillow. This may sound silly but recently, we invested in really good pillows and it has made a huge difference for both Joe and I. We got purple pillows when they were on sale and they are amazing. They don’t lose their shape and they are cooling and I swear they have improved both of our sleep schedules.

  4. A sound machine. Okay, my husband would disagree with this because he hates my sound machine but I love it so much. Part of why I have such a hard time sleeping is that my mind never shuts off. I am always thinking about my to-do list and what needs to get done but the sound machine gives me something to focus on. So instead of my mind wandering I just focus on the sound and I have found that I fall asleep so much faster.

  5. Have a bedtime and routine. I have always had the worst bedtime routine. I would go to bed whenever and not really start settling myself for bed. I am working on changing that and have already noticed a difference. My goal is to be asleep by 10pm (when I don’t have a night market, otherwise I am home at 10pm) so around 9:30 I have started to wash my face, put my diffuser on, etc. Having this routine is signaling to my body that it is time to shift into sleep and helps so much. Again, I am not perfect at it but I am working on it and have noticed I sleep so much better when I do this.


Friday Favorites


Valentine’s OOTD