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Shop R&F: Have Faith Collection

Hi friends, happy new arrivals day!

Today, my boutique, Shop Rooted and Free launched another new collection and I am so excited for it!

As I mentioned last week when we launched new arrivals, this year I want to be super intentional with our collections and how they serve and support the women in our community. One of my goals for 2024, and I know one of many of yours too is that I want to reestablish my quiet time and Bible study routine in the mornings so I can set my day up better.

When I created this new “Have Faith” collection I took a look at my quiet time routine and asked my friends about theirs too and I couldn’t be more proud of the collection we curated to help you support your morning routines and time with the Lord.

From journals and devotionals to motivational book marks and the cutest non-bleed through highlighters this collection supports those goals for you too and I really hope you love them!

Below is a sneak peek of some of the items but don’t forget to check out Shop R&F for the full collection and all the details!