Recent Trader Joes Haul

Last week a new Trader Joe’s opened up about 15 minutes away from us and we could not be more excited that there is a TJ’s close to us now.

When we lived in Jersey, we had one about 10 minutes from us and it was on my way home from work so I stopped often and we fell in love with so many of their products. When we moved back to FL the closest ones to us were each 45 minutes away with no traffic so needless to say, unless we found ourselves in that area already we were not making the trek often.

Anyways, we gave it some time to get the grand opening hype over with (people went crazy) and while the shelves were still not fully stocked back up (so sad they didn’t have cookie butter) the girls and I loved our trip the other day and I thought I would share some of our favs that we grabbed. We didn’t need to do full grocery shopping so we just grabbed the stuff we loved and missed but can’t wait to make this a regular stop again.

Now if you have never shopped TJ’s before I will warn you…as a family of 5 with lots of school lunches and snacks and after school sports, etc I find that I can’t do all my grocery shopping here. I grab Gatorade and individual packed items for lunches and quick on the go snacks and while they have some of that, the quantities are small and I need to also shop at a “regular” grocery store too. We do Kroger delivery right now and will use TJ’s to stock up on favs but I just wanted to mention that it isn’t someplace that I feel like I can do 100% of my grocery shopping there even though I love it so much.

Okay, enough rambling….here are some of our favs that we grabbed and have been loving -

First up, we love the seltzers and recently I saw someone put their Ningxia in with kombucha and pineapple juice and I had to try.

My kids are all obsessed with these tortilla chips and since we don’t let them have taki’s (google it, IYKYK) anymore, they were pumped. I love the 2 other chips we grabbed and can’t wait to have some for lunch today.

Cereal is always easy but I love that their unhealthy cereal is a little bit healthier than what I could get at Publix. Their bread is great and believe me when I tell you that you need the brioche bread with cookie butter and bananas. It is heaven on earth and the best sweet treat.

The girls have been obsessed with skin care lately and when we passed this aisle they begged for this toner. It was an easy yes especially because of the price and they have loved it the last couple days.

Spaghetti is always super easy and their sauce is great. The kids love these PB& snacks and the girls just about flipped over the yogurt, it is their very favorite yogurt.

One thing I love about TJ’s is the easy grab and go options. The dips and sauces are my favs and the cheese selection is so good. We didn’t need any cheese but this Yuzu sauce and these dips are so so good and are repeat buys for us always.

The meats above I pair with rice and spaghetti and they make easy weeknight dinners especially after cheer. The chicken bags crisp up so well in the air fryer and Cam especially was so excited to see these in the freezer.

The dill pickle corn dog things are new to us but I never met a pickle I didn’t like so we had to try them.

I love grabbing the rice and potato bags to go with the meats above, like I mentioned they are great weeknight dinners in a rush. And the mini tacos, Paisley especially was so excited to get these. I made some last night to send in with their lunch today with salsa.

The GF coffee muffins are so good even if you aren’t GF. And I always love their easy baking boxes. I love to make homemade stuff but in a pinch I love their boxed mixes for easy breakfasts for the kids. None of my kids like to sit and eat breakfast but they like to grab something out the door for work and school so these are great.

The soups are all so so good. We had the tomato soup with sourdough bread on Halloween.

Lunchmeat, always easy to grab and I love that they have no msg. And the cornbread and muffin mix, again super easy and yummy!

Needless to say, we are pumped for the new store close to us! I will keep doing hauls to share our favs, we have many! And, if you love TJ’s too and have some suggestions on things we need to try please let me know below, I would love to add to my favs list.


The Best Yes & The Future


Shop R+F New Arrivals (11.2.23)