Recent Reads

It’s hump day and I am coming at you with my recent reads. I have shared before that I am trying to get back into reading and while I don’t read as much as I used to, I am working on it.

A little backstory if you are new here…prior to the pandemic, I was reading 50-60 books a year. I was in a book club, The Lit Ladies and I adored those ladies and our time together. We were even a Harper Collins book club one year and got to go to some cool events in NYC and meet a bunch of authors. But, the pandemic hit, life was shut down and crazy and the book club just kind of naturally drifted apart as people moved and worked from home, etc. On top of it, I was working crazy hours, grieving and just could not focus on any book.

Even though we are a couple years out of the pandemic, I have struggled to get back into reading the way I was but I want to so I have been working on reading more and even if I am reading slow, I want to prioritize it.

So, here is what I have recently read…

Without Merit by Colleen Hoover - This was the hardest CoHo book for me to get into but once I did, I loved it so much. I found Merit had to like throughout the first half of the book but once the story got moving faster I ended up really liking her and the book.

It Starts With US by Colleen Hoover - The sequel to It Ends With Us, was really good. It Ends With Us was better in my opinion but this book gave me closure from the last one and was really good.

Spare by Prince Harry - Whoa! I have no words for this book. I am a big Prince Harry and Meghan Markle fan so I was excited to read this book. Prince Harry has had such a hard life, a harder one than I even thought I knew. He carries a lot of trauma with him and this family has a lot of dark secrets and baggage. I did find some of it hard to read when he talked about his family because I felt like this book burned bridges but I loved hearing his perspective on everything.

Momentum Makers by Jordan Adler - I love leadership development and everyday I am trying to read a chapter from a leadership development book. I don’t love rushing through them….I like reading a chapter and learning/applying the information. This is simple and written from a lot of different people but it has great nuggets of information and I am learning a lot.

Clearly, I am a huge Colleen Hoover fan. She has been my favorite for years and I really was trying to spread out her books so I didn’t run out of any to read but, they hold my attention and I love them so I am going all in and almost done reading all of her books. I used to read like 5-6 books in between hers but now I am back to back or one in between…they are really just so good.

Currently Reading:

Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover - I just started this last night so no opinions on it yet but I read the first book in the series in 2020 and really enjoyed it so I am excited to hop back on the series!

What have you been reading lately?

Anything I need to add to my TBR?

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