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Happy Tuesday friends!

I will be honest, I have been struggling lately with my quiet time and doing my Bible studies. It’s not that I feel far from God, in fact, I pray constantly, feel really close to him and my faith drives my decisions all the day.

But, since losing my Grandma nearly 2 years ago I have had the hardest time reading, staying focused on written word and really looking for mindless ways to occupy my time and because of that my quiet time has suffered. I almost feel like its numbing that I look for when in fact, Jesus is what I should be looking for instead.

Ugh, part of me feels guilty for even admitting all of that out loud but the reality is that is where I am right now and I know that I am not alone. As Christ followers we can find ourselves in these seasons and the great news for us, there is no condemnation, just a Heavenly Father always waiting for us to jump back in so He can speak His word to us even deeper.

Today, I woke up with this strong feeling that I need to restart my quiet time and perhaps make it look a little different to get me back in the groove and increase my attention span.

So, today I am going to get back to my quiet time starting with reading a devotional and doing my gratitude journal. Typically, I also have an in depth Bible study that I do too and while I want to bring that back in, I don’t know that my mind is there yet so for now…I am going to use my devotional to dive into the scripture and build off the one they share in the devotional.

Friends, if you are a Christ follower and also struggling with your quiet time, I just want to encourage you that you are alone. God’s best for us is not to feel guilty about how much or how little time we are spending diving into His word. Are you seeking Him in prayer? Are you looking at life through the lens of your faith? Are you pointing yourself and others towards Jesus in all that you do? My answer here is yes (I bet yours is too) and because we are covered in grace, we are a-okay and can jump back when we can.

Sending you love and covering you in prayers today!