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Hey friends! Happy Monday from sunny south Florida! It is a bit chilly outside but the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day! Ya’ll, sometimes I wish I wasn’t so awkward and knew how to start these blog posts better but its all I got…welcoming you to the day and telling you about the weather, LOL. Maybe one day I won’t be so socially weird and I can open up a little bit better. Until then, thanks for being here one weird blog intro at a time! 😜

Anywho, today I am so pumped because I am going to share with you guys my favorite drink. If you would has asked me a year ago…that would have been Diet Coke (with extra ice please!!) but, I am happy to share that I haven’t had any soda since August 2021. Now, this is mainly by choice but also, COVID ruined my taste buds and soda tastes like straight chemical garbage so I have to admit here that my taste buds ruining soda for me was a huge reason I was able to kick soda one and for all.

If you have been living under a rock and didn’t know…soda is the devil. It is HORRIBLE for you! So, this change in taste is a gift from above.

Okay Kate, enough rambling…..

So, I love water. Drink it all day every single day. It is the best thing for you and I actually enjoy drinking it. BUT! I need something in the afternoon. I always start my day with 1 cup of coffee and then switch right to water but that afternoon crash is real friends. And, that craving for something more than water always hits.

I used to grab for an LDC but now, I grab my Ningxia Red and I am as happy as can be. Not only do I get the fix for the afternoon craving, but it is supporting my body from the inside out and tastes so good!

So, what is Ningxia?

Ningxia Red® is an exclusive drink with Young Living and is packed with powerful antioxidants to help against stress, improves your immune system, curbs cravings and more!

It is jam-packed with powerful antioxidants and superfoods, featuring wolf-berry, plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts. It also contains a blend of premium essential oils, including Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine.

What are some other benefits?

  • supports whole body wellness

  • improves digestive function

  • increases energy levels

Now please note, these are all just my experiences. Since using Ningxia everyday, I have noticed it supporting my body in each of these ways and so much more. It has helped me in my overall wellness journey and it is something that I crave everyday!

How do I drink it? This is what I typically do below. Note, I think it tastes better when it is cold but that isn’t necessary, just a personal preference.

  • 1-2 packets of Ningxia Red (I usually do 1 unless I am feeling “off” then I will do 2)

  • 1 can of your fav seltzer water

  • 1 cup full of ice

Simply pour your fav seltzer and your Ningxia over your ice and stir! If you needed an extra punch you can combine it with our natural energy drink Zyng too!

Y’all, this drink is my fav and the fav of so many others too! If you are looking to kick the soda habit, this is the drink that you should try!

Want to try before you buy? Send me a DM on Insta or an email and I would love to mail you a couple samples!

Ready to purchase? You can use this LINK HERE!