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When I think about where my health was 1 year ago (Summer/Fall 2020) it fills me with such sadness and feels so heavy. I can remember feeling like I couldn’t get out of bed or even lift my head off the pillow most days. I can remember the weight of my grief, the crippling anxiety I felt day in and day out, the constant fatigue, chronic sinus infections, the numerous GI issues (constipation/bloating/nausea/vomiting), my skin breaking out worse than it did when I was a teen, the brain fog, the chest pain.

Gosh, it was just so much. Even reading that back is still really hard because it still feels really fresh.

There were so many days I felt like I was going crazy. Like I was just experiencing these symptoms and no one could tell me why so am I really feeling them? I went to multiple doctors and each of them told me the same thing…you are probably depressed because of grief and the pandemic. They gave me medications to take, suggested I see a grief counselor and see them again in “x” amount of days. It was so defeating. And so frustrating.

After many months of this merry go round that I desperately wanted to get off of I decided to take a leave of absence from work (it was hard to work while feeling all of these symptoms) and really focus on my health. I knew that something had to be wrong and it wasn’t just that I was depressed (which I was yes but I just knew something more was going on).

I shared with a friend of mine all the symptoms that I was experiencing and she suggested that I see a functional medicine doctor…someone who could analyze everything the other doctors had done (lab work, colonoscopy, endoscopy, etc) and help me find the root cause to all my symptoms. At this point I was willing to try anything so I made an appointment and through tears I told him everything I was experiencing.

In 2 hours he listened, analyzed my previous tests and basically told me that my body was functioning “bottom of the barrel”….I will never forget the tears that I shed in that office to finally feel like someone was listening to me and seeing things in my blood work/testing that traditional medical doctors were over looking. Example - my thyroid levels had significantly decreased over the years and even though they were just barely under the “normal” level they were very low for me and my age especially with no underlying health conditions. My medical doctor said they were normal but never took a look at how much they had changed over just a year from my last physical.

During that appointment he explained to me what he thought could be the underlying cause of why my body was screaming for help. In one appointment followed by one additional test it was confirmed that I have Candida overgrowth. The test showed that there was so much overgrowth of this bacteria/yeast in my gut that the charts couldn’t even measure it and my good gut bacteria was at a literal zero. Zero good bacteria to support my immune system and body functions. It had spread to my sinuses (which is why I always had a sinus infection) and every time I got antibiotics, it made it all worse. In treating my symptoms, I was feeding the bad candida and losing more good bacteria.

I remember leaving that follow up appointment and calling my husband sobbing. Sobbing because finally someone had listened to me and helped me find the root cause to all my symptoms and finally I didn’t feel like I was losing my mind and was actually validated, I knew something more was going on. If you don’t know about Candida (which I didn’t) it causes all of those symptoms I was experiencing and according to my doctor the anxiety and depression is what finally makes people find the root cause.

Together, we came up with a treatment plan that I am still working through today with supplements and a strict diet (including being gluten and dairy free because my body cannot properly digest these). I had also started a low-tox journey prior to seeing him through ditching candles and other harmful products and he encouraged me to stay on that course removing as many toxins as I can in and around our home. When our bodies are constantly trying to fight the harsh chemicals and toxins we are overloaded with, it can’t heal itself properly and is always in fight mode.

My wellness journey is going to be a long one…it took a long time for my body to get to the “bottom of the barrel” so it is going to take time to get back to “normal”. It is a slow process and one that can sometimes be really hard (especially the dietary restrictions) but has been worth it because I can feel myself getting better (and I can feel myself taking a turn for the worse when I fall off course).

I share all of this today because I want you to know that you can and deserve to advocate for your health. It went to several doctors before I found one who would listen to me and take seriously what I was experiencing. I knew something wasn’t right in my body and I fought to get answers even when it felt hard and defeating. I hope today that you are empowered to fight for your health and that you know there are options. Someone very wise in my journey told me that no one will fight for your health more than you so you have to advocate for yourself….I want to give you that same advice today.

You are worth the fight and if you need a cheerleader to support that journey, I would be happy to be that person for you. If you are facing a health fight right now know that I am praying for you!