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Oh hey, Monday! You came quick after a great weekend! 😂

Anyone else feel like the weekend went by quick? It was a great weekend and I have a busy/exciting week ahead so it isn’t a bad thing, just hello, wasn’t it just Friday? LOL.

I don’t know why but I feel like 2022 is going by at record speed and lately, it has felt like it is going by faster than usual. Who knows why, but it definitely feels like that recently and I hope I am not alone.

Anyways….enough about my ramblings of days. It’s like the weather, once you start talking about it, its hard to stop! LOL.

Today, I wanted to share with you my favorite devotionals. I have talked before about how sometimes I do a really in depth Bible study and in some seasons, I am just doing devotionals and my gratitude journal. Right now, I am in the latter as I also read a book/study with my small group about gospel parenting!

Here are a handful of my favorite devotionals that I think you would likely enjoy too….if you grab one let me know!

  1. 100 Days to Brave by Annie F Downs

  2. Embraced by Lysa Tuerkurst

  3. Be Still by Cleree Cherry

  4. Pressing Pause by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

  5. The Better Mom by Ruth Schwenk

  6. Eat Pray Hustle by Havilah Cunnington

I have completed all of these books and currently, am almost done with Be Still and have loved it just as much as the others. The benefit of the devotionals is that you are still reading God’s word, soaking in His scripture and learning from what His word says. In busy seasons or seasons where I need to be really guided through Gods word, these devotionals do exactly that!

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