My Current Morning Routine

I’ve mentioned a few times that I am spending the first quarter of 2024 really reestablishing my habits and routines. I feel like I spent so much of last year spinning in circles and working so many hours but mostly feeling like I wasn’t accomplishing what I needed to or wanted to each day both personally and professionally.

I knew that my routines needed to change but I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to change them overnight so I needed to give myself time and space to not only create the habit but figure out the routines and rhythms that would help me to establish these habits in a way that created the life I wanted without burnout. I know myself well enough to know that I try to get too much done in a day and I didn’t want to leave myself feeling bad at the end either.

It’s been about 6 weeks since I started my new morning routine so I thought I would share it with you today. Before we get started I wanted to share a few disclaimers first.

  • This is not perfect. Some days I know that my body needs extra rest and so I hit snooze a few extra times or turn it off and wait for Joe’s alarm to go off an hour later.

  • I am not a morning person, but I know that I am a better person when I get up earlier than my family and have some quiet time to start my day. I never regret getting up and having that time alone.

  • Getting up earlier has helped me to sleep better which was my main concern. I am a horrible sleeper and I naturally stay up later but to get up earlier, I need to go to bed earlier and ti my surprise my body has been craving sleep earlier and getting more sound sleep than ever before.

  • My kids are 20, 12 and 10 — when they were toddlers no chance this would have been my schedule so just remember this as you read my routine, I may be in a different season than you are especially in motherhood and that is okay to need a routine but know that mine isn’t the best to be inspired by.

Okay, now that I mentioned those few things out of the way, let’s jump into my current routine…

  • 5:15 AM My alarm goes off and I allow myself to wake up slowly (this is key for me getting up early, I don’t want to hop out of bed). Knowing I want to be up at 5:30, I set my alarm earlier to give me this time.

  • 5:30 AM Get up, head to the the family room and turn on my lamps and diffusers, then make coffee to create a calm environment. Once I set the tone for my morning, I settle in with a blanket and my hot coffee.

  • 5:45 - 6:30 AM Quiet time. I spend time journaling, reading my devotional, doing my Bible study and something that I started last year, I also read about 10 pages of a non-fictional leadership/personal development book.

  • 6:30 AM Wake up the girls and let them take time getting up. I straighten up the living room and get changed into my workout clothes. I will check on the girls again and make sure they are getting up before heading to the garage

  • 6:45 AM I do my at home workout. We have a Peloton bike (and I just ordered a treadmill) and I usually do 45 minutes total. Right now that looks like a 30 min cycle class and a 15 minutes strength or stretching class but this changes often.

  • 7:30 AM The girls are usually ready and finishing up packing their lunches. I will make sure they don’t need my help with anything (usually if they do they come into the garage for help or to just chat), I make my bed while they finish up.

  • 7:40 AM The girls and I head out for school drop off. The girls attend two different schools with two different drop offs so this takes me a bit of time in the morning but I have come to enjoy our morning chats while we drive and wait.

  • 8:30 AM I get home from dropping the girls off and I will straighten up the house a bit if needed and then take a shower/get ready for the day. If I am taking photos for my website or have somewhere to be, I will fully do my hair and makeup but if I am just working at home I usually keep it simple to save time and let me skin/hair breathe.

Usually I am ready and working by 9:30 am which gives me about 6 hours to work until I need to leave to grab the girls from school. Like I said, this isn’t perfect and sometimes if I sleep in a bit more (I have Hypothyroidism so sometimes my body needs the extra rest or, sometimes I work pop ups at night and don’t get home until late so I sleep in) I will do my workout when I get home from school drop off but, this is the routine I am aiming for each day!

What is your morning routine? How do you start your day? I would love to hear your routines in the comments below!


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