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Happy Thursday friends!

Anyone else think it is crazy that it is already June 2nd? Just me? It is wild that we are already in June but here we are!

Today, I thought I would share with you my top 5 favorite oils! These are oils I use on pretty much a daily basis around my house and on myself and my family so I thought I would share their goodness with you here!

First up, Thieves. I have already shared that I use the Thieves line of hand soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaner, etc but I also LOVE the oil alone. We use this oil every.single.day to stay healthy.

I make a roller of this with lemon and we rub it down our spines each day for wellness. I also diffuse this each morning as we are getting ready for school because it helps keep our immune system strong. Outside of allergies, we haven’t been sick in almost a year when we all had COVID, knock on wood! I will usually diffuse alone or with lemon because I love the smells together.

Lemon. I just mentioned in a few times above but I love it alone too! I use it to diffuse or place on my wrists when I need a little bit of uplifting, the scent is so good for kick starting a great mood for me. And, it just smells so clean and fresh when you diffuse it.

It is also good for stains and getting gunk off of things so I grab for this often with laundry, getting stickers off things and anything stuck on anything that I can’t get off.

Okay, this oil is not one that I ever diffuse or ever will. Some people I have talked to like the smell but most people do not. Personally, I think it smells horrible, like really horrible. LOL But, it works so good that I couldn’t care less what it smells like!

I have a lot of GI stuff that sends me into a lot of pain often and I rub this on my belly probably daily and it helps take the pain away so quick. When the family eats something that doesn’t sit well with them they ask for this and the girls know if they need some help getting things moving, this is their go to.

Despite the name, it isn’t just for kids. This powerhouse oil is SO SO good to manage all the emotions.

The girls each have a Kid Power roller in their backpack (and we made rollers for their cheer squad too before competition) and I use it everyday on my wrists as perfume because it smells like a dreamy creamsiscle and helps to calm strong emotions.

I diffuse this as well around the house but because we use topically so often I usually will diffuse something else instead.

What do I usually diffuse instead? Stress Away.

Always and forever will I love stress away. It smells like a warm vanilla and gosh, it really does help my stressful emotions so much. I use this topically as well but usually, once I diffuse I can feel the stress melting away from my mind and body. It sounds crazy, I know but this oil calms me so much and I diffuse it nearly everyday.

So there you go, my favorite go to oils. Do you oil? What would you add to this list? Do you use any of the ones I mentioned above? To shop my 5 favorite oils, click here!